Chapter 9: Grounded!

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There was a huge commotion that knocked me off balance, so I scrambled up the nearest, tallest thing I could find, which happened to be a statue of Superman. (There were a lot throughout the Watchtower.) Everyone was speeding towards Wally, and were mowing down each other in the process.

And Nightwing? Our calm and resourceful leader? He actually got out his bo-staff to knock people out of his way, and even flipped over Beast Boy (who had turned into an elephant). "WALLYYYYY-MY BRO FOR LIFE!" Just before he closed in on his best friend (besides me, duh) someone punched him back. Hard. 

Everyone made way for Artemis, who had arrived in the middle of the chaos. I started recording with my phone. This was a moment to be replayed over, and over again.

She crossed her arms. Kid Flash quailed before her atomic glare. "Babe, I know it's been a while..." He actually had his hands in front of him for defense. "....and I-I- understand if.. if.."

He broke down and curled into a defensive stance on the floor. 


Everyone swerved their heads to look at Artemis. Then Wally. Then Artemis. It was like a death match. I kept recording. Then, I think what happened was, Artemis was too relieved to be angry. She started tearing up. This is the second time the Team has seen her cry. It seems she only sobs over Wally.

I looked away, and noticed something I really should have picked up before.

Three kids stood in the corner, trying very hard not to be noticed. Two were obviously siblings, though the girl had pink eyes while the boy had green ones. The other one, looked to be an alien female. Or something. She whispered to the pink-eyed girl.

"I don't feel like we should be here, Addie..." The boy agreed, nodding. "Yeah, this is really awkward.. we're not really part of this bonding moment..." Addie whacked both of them upside the head. "SHADDUP!"

"I-WHUH-WHY YOU-YOU LITTLE-" Artemis spluttered, struggling for words. "YOU'RE GROUNDED!!!

The whole Team gasped. "OOoooooOOOH!" 

Wally stood up, clearly relieved. "Oh, if that's all-man I was gonna say-" Artemis started full-out sobbing. And then the kicks came. And the punches. Plus some creative moves in creative places. "Oh ow...OW...JEEZ, ARTY!" 

When she was done, Artemis wiped away her tears, then proceeded to drag Wally to the zeta-tubes. "WE'RE LEAVING. YOUR GROUNDING STARTS NOW!" KF protested the whole way.

"C'mon! I just got back, I'm sure there are plenty of other people who want to kill me for getting killed! Am I right, guys? Rob!Er, I mean, Nightwing! Help out your bro!" His friend backed away grinning. "KALDUR? CONNOR? ANYONE?" 

We all parted like the Red Sea. I kept rolling, straight up to the point when Artemis literally tossed her boyfriend into the zeta-tube before stomping in herself. 

I ended the video and leaped down from the Superman statue. (Yes, I had been up there the whole time.) Nightwing grinned. "You got that, Batgirl?" I waved my phone triumphantly. 

"Every last bit."

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