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P.S I'm not amazing at writing so don't expect this to be good. 😛
Oh also this is going to be in third person most of the time.

1 month ago:

Things started looking up for Peter, after Gwen died three months ago Peter was lost, but he recently picked himself back up. He started being Spider-Man again, knowing Gwen would have wanted him too save others, even though he couldn't save her. And his nightmares of Gwen falling from the clock tower weren't haunting his sleep every night, so now he could have a full nights rest. Peter was at peace again.
Peter was on a walk in the park with his camera, taking pictures of the trees. When all of a sudden he heard a scream come from the other side of the park. Peter stepped into the restroom and quickly changed into the spandex costume. He webbed his backpack to the ceiling and ran back out to help the woman in distress.

Time skip (after he stopped the mugger)

Spidey has stopped the mugger from taking the girls purse. "Another day, another mugger stopped once again by your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!" The only casualty he had was when the mugger pulled out a pocket knife and cut spideys arm, hopefully aunt may won't think much of it. WAIT, Aunt May! I told her I would be home early to help her with the photo album for her and uncle bens anniversary! Peter couldn't believe it had been a a year since he died and he became Spider-Man, he missed him. Peter thought to himself as he ran to the bathroom and got changed. "Oh shoot, she is gonna be so mad, I'm an hour late!" Peter sprinted through the streets as he made his way back. It's a good thing that his apartment was only a few blocks away from the main park in Queens.
Peter was about a block away from his house, when suddenly his spidey senses made Peters stomach drop. Peter started to worry. Peter turned the corner to enter his apartment, but, it wasn't there. There was only rubble. Peters eyes searched through the rubble to hopefully find his Aunt, breathing and unharmed. But the only thing he found was a tiny jackolantern with an evil grin on its face "Harry....." First Gwen and now the only person left that he cared about. He took them from him.
     Damnit Peter, maybe if you weren't late, she would be safe, and you would be together still. Peter eyes were welled with tears, about to fall down his face any second. "Umm excuse me sir, you can't be here, this a police crime scene has ." A woman in a police uniform told him. "This was my house, where is my aunt?" Peter said with a shaky breath. The officers face softened and pointed over to a stretcher being pulled into an ambulance. Peter saw her lifeless body being hauled away. He stood there frozen for about an hour as the police officers inspected the collapsed house.
     "Son, lets go, we're going to interview you at the station." A police officer told Peter. Peter blinked his tears away as he was ushered into the police car. As they drove, Peter sat there in silence thinking to himself about his aunt. 'If I would have just been there with her she wouldn't be dead, it's my fault, my fault, my fault.' Those words echoed in his head, over and over again as tears welled in his eyes, this time, letting them fall.
      They arrived at the station. They asked Peter things about his family, like if his aunt was his only family (which she was) and if he knew of any other family (which he didn't.) the next day Peter was sent to an old and crumby orphanage, a few blocks from his old house.

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