On The Hunt

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Present day:

It had been 3 months since May died, and peter decided to quit spidey for a while. But today Peter felt like he was going to burst if he didn't go out and fight some crime. Although he wasn't exactly in good health to do it. The orphanage peter stayed at didn't feed the children nearly enough. And the lack of sleep from the nightmares didn't help either. But he went out anyways. No one really pays attention to him at the orphanage, since he's the oldest (Peter is 15 almost sixteen, got his powers at 14) they all just assume he can take care of himself.
Peter was swinging through the city, and feeling the air rush past his face. "God I missed this" Peter said as he settled on top of a building, look out at the beautiful sight of New York.

Currently at the AVENGERS tower;

"Avengers! the web slinging vigilante Spider-Man has been spotted swinging around New York."
"Yeah? What about him" the billionaire, playboy, philanthropist asked the one eyed wonder.
"We want Spider-Man to join the avengers, showing his ability to defeat enemies in the past can be an advantage to us! And if he doesn't join then he might be a threat!"
"But why now?"
"Yeah capscicle has a point! Why are we going after him now? And why can't you guys at SHIELD track him down?" Tony asked suspicious.
"Spider-Man was off the radar for almost 4 months and hasn't appeared until recently, and we are unable to track him as we don't know of his identity." Fury stated.

      Tony broke down into a fit of giggles
"Y-you g-guys head of sh-shield can't find a stupid s-spider!" Tony was hysterical, cap had a small smirk escape his lips, Bruce snorted, Natasha was Natasha, Clint was trying his hardest not to laugh, and fury was furious (haha, cuz it's his name)
"Because of your usual snarky comments, Stark. You will be the first one to try and get him to join." Fury stated. (Jeez this is a lot of talking)
"Ugggghhhhh fineeeeeeee."

Peter was just about to swing back at the orphanage, when his super hearing picked up motors coming in his direction.
"Ugh, first day back and I already have a person wanting to see me." Peter really needed to get back home.
"Spider-Man. I assume you already know me and my colleagues? We want you to join us, as a new member of our team. Just come with me and we'll sort everything out back at the avengers tower."
The Avengers? Peter didn't need this right now. I mean school is about to start and he had better things to do than sit in a fancy tower all day. I mean Peter admired the avengers, but becoming one?
"Nah, I'm good. Too much going on right now, sorry. Not sorry."
did this guy just turn down an invitation to join THE AVENGERS. Tony thought.
"Yah, no, I don't care whats going on in your life right now. I just know that you need to come with me, now I can take you by force, or you can just comply with me and come by choice." Peter could tell this was going to be a long night.
"Ugh! I'm going to be late! I don't need to hear this. Talk to me when I'm not in a hurry!" And with that the spider was off. But Tony wasn't done with him yet. Peters spidey senses buzzed as a blast of light came toward him. Now Peter was pissed. He slung him into the wall with his webs and Made sure that he wouldn't be escaping anytime soon. "I'm sorry about this man, but a spiders gotta do what a spiders gotta do, oh! By the way I'm a big fan of your work Tony. And That webbing should dissolve in about 2 hours max soooooo....... byeeeeeee!" And off he went. Now Tony was pissed off and stuck to the side of a building. "Hey guys I need someone to come cut me out of this cocoon. NOW."

Wow allepost actually updated, WOW!
Yes, I have updated. Your welcome
Have a good night🙌

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