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The Avengers loaded into the quinjet and headed back to the tower. Tony was driving and the rest of the Avengers sat around Peter.

"So,uh, whats your name kid?" Clint asked

"Peter, Peter Parker." Peter replied, staring at his feet. He played with his hands nervously.

"So, what now? Am I going to some weird SHIELD prison or something?" Peter asked in fear. Steve pierced his lips.

"No, your not going to prison, we just need to talk about you with our boss." Nat said.

"Nick Fury wants me?" Peter asked. They all nodded.

"But we're not giving you to him...... yet. Like Nat said, we have some things to work out." Steve replied. 

"Are you ok with staying at the tower with us? You can stay there until we know what Fury wants us to do." Tony asked. Peter nodded his head.

"Yeah but, why does Fury want me?" Peter asked.

"Well, as you know, he wanted you to join our team, he thought you could make a great asset. But you refused, so he deemed you as a threat. He thought that, with your powers, you wouldn't be able to be a hero on your own without having difficulties." Natasha told Peter.

"With great power comes great responsibility......." Peter mumbled to himself as he rolled his eyes. Steves enhanced hearing picked it up and he cocked his head slightly in confusion.

After they arrived at the tower, Tony showed Peter his guest room, and gave him clothes so that he could change out of his suit. Peter took a shower and got changed into the clothes.


In the kitchen/dining area:

"Jarvis, call the kid in here." Tony asked the AI as he sat down at the Avengers dining table.

"Yes, sir." Jarvis replied. The rest of the Avengers walked in with boxes of pizza and breadsticks. They all sat down, and Peter walked in. 

"Hey, uh, you should probably eat something, before we start asking you questions, unless your not hungry." Steve suggested.

"oh, uh, yeah. I'll eat." Peter said as he sat down between Tony and Steve. They all ate the pizza, Peter ate like 5 boxes, he was really hungry; mainly because of him being nervous, but he also has enhanced metabolism, and the orphanage doesn't feed the kids nearly enough. 

"Jeez, kid you ate like a mountain of pizza?  How can your small body, hold all of that food?" Clint asked. 

"Fast metabolism, part of my powers." Peter replied. All of the avengers started cleaning up. Peter wanted to help, but they seemed to have a system, a system that he didn't want to mess up. So he just sat and waited. Once they finished, everyone sat down again, in their same spots from before. They all looked to Peter, who was fiddling with his thumbs nervously.

"So, umm, Spiderman. We have some questions that we need you to answer. And if you have questions, you can ask us anything you want to know." Steve told him, Peter nodded his head.

"How old are you? You look around 18, but I just wanted to make sure." Bruce asked.

"Um, I'm..... 15......." Peter replied, unaware of how they would react. Tony winced slightly, Steve stared at his hands, and the other avengers just stared, with wide eyes.

"How can the Man of Spiders be.... so young? Thor asked.

"I, uh, I got my powers when I was 14." Peter stated. 

"Well, whats your name again? It feels sorta weird calling you Spiderman." Clint asked.

"Peter, Peter Parker." Peter said, Bruce turned his head slightly to look at Peter.

"Parker... I knew a scientist named Richard Parker, he worked on cross species genetics at oscorp." Bruce stated. Tony connected the dots in his head.

"Uh, yeah he was my father." Peter replied.

"Was?" Natasha asked.

"He died, so did your mother. That's why you lived with your aunt and uncle but then they died too..?" Tony added. Peter nodded. All of the avengers looked to him sadly, he really did have a lot on his shoulders. 

"So, your an orphan? Won't the caretakers at the orphanage be worrying about where you are?" Natasha asked.

"Nah, they don't care for me at all, they won't notice I'm gone until my school notifies them that I'm not attending." Peter replied. 

"So, what are your powers, I assume they have something to do with spiders?" Clint asked.

"Well, mostly. I have enhanced strength, speed, and agility. I can stick to any surface, I have also have enhanced senses. So like, I can hear a dog barking from 3 blocks away right now and I can smell the coffee thats being made downstairs, and I can hear every breath you all make." Peter said. (he left his spider senses out on purpose btw)

"So your sorta like Steve?" Clint asked.

"Except Steve can't stick to walls" Tony said, everyone chuckled slightly.

" And what about the webs?" Bruce asked. Peter rolled back his shirt sleeves to reveal the web shooters.

"These, the webs come from my web shooters." Peter said

"Where did you get them?" Tony asked.

"I built them." Peter replied. They all looked at the boy impressed.

"How did you get your powers?" Bruce asked.

"Well you know how my dad made cross species genetics? Well he sorta made a weird radioactive spider from his DNA, and when I went to oscorp for a field trip, it bit me, and now I'm half spider." Peter replied. They all processed the information they just learned.

"Welp, I'm kinda tired, can I go to bed now?" Peter asked

"Sure, but we're talking more tomorrow." Tony replied. Peter got up and walked to the guest room. He laid down in bed and sighed. Boy, that was a long night. Lets hope tomorrow won't be so long.


I told you I'd update ASAP! You're welcome (:

Also, THANK YOU for 1K views! that is so cool, thank you guys.

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