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Peter woke up with a yawn, his arms sore from punching the living shit out of Harry. Peter was thinking about the previous "surprise" that happened last night when he felt heard someone quietly breathing next to him. In the darkness he saw the figure of Tony laying in bed beside him asleep. Peter was slightly surprised and slightly embarrassed. He looked to his bedside clock and realized that it was only 4AM and decided that he should go back to sleep for a little while longer. Peter laid back down and shyly scooted into Tony's side, hoping that he wouldn't wake up and save him the embarrassment. To Peters surprise, Tonys arm unconsciously wrapped around the side of him, bringing him closer. Enjoying the warmth, Peter complied and fell asleep feeling safe in his new father-like figures arms.

A few hours later:

Tony awoke to the feeling of something moving in the bed underneath his.... arm? He looked down to see a sleeping Peter cuddled next to him. He would have just left him to sleep peacefully, but he seemed to be having a nightmare.

"n-n.....no!" Peter whined in his sleep, his facial expression showed that he was terrified. Tony sat up and started shaking Peter lightly to try and wake him up.

"Peter, buddy its just a nightmare, you're alright, Peter wake up, i'm here!" Tony said as he kept trying to wake peter up. Finally Peter had awoken with a jerk as he sat up with frantic look on his face. He looked around in panic until his eyes settled on Tony. He settled down slightly and steadied his breath. Tony could tell Peter was holding back tears and he leaned in for a hug.

"I miss them so much..." Peter said into Tonys chest. Hearing Peter sound so broken made Tonys heart sad, it reminded him of how he felt after his parents had died in the car crash. (Bucky didn't kill them in this universe)

"I know kid, I know" Tony whispered. They sat there together as Peter cried silently. They sat there hugging until the sun started to rise over the horizon of the city. Peter sat back and looked up at Tony with his puffy eyes and saw the wet stain from his tears that he made into Tonys shirt.

"I'm sorry" Peter said. Tony looked down at his shirt and laughed.

"Don't worry about it, I have like 100 of them, and a washing machine." Tony said, Peter nodded in response. Tony looked over at the clock, it was now 8AM.

"Say, since we're already up, why don't we go make breakfast for everyone?" Tony asked, Peter smiled and hooped out of bed

"Can we make waffles?" Peter asked.

"Sure kid."


"I smell fffooooOOOOOODDDD" Clint yelled as he yeeted into the kitchen. Peter was making Captain America's shield shaped waffles and Tony was sizzling bacon on the stove and brewing coffee in the coffee pot.

"Back off Legolas, go sit at the table with everyone else. Clint looked to the dining table and saw the rest of the Avengers sitting and talking as they waited for their meal. Peter and Tony both plated their food items on a big platter and brought them to the table along with fresh squeezed orange juice. They all stared in awe and hunger.

"What are we waiting for? lets eat!" Tony said. Everyone made hefty plates of food, Peter made a good sized plate, but didn't get so much that he would overwork his stomach after not eating for so long.

"Its good to see you actually enjoying food Petey" Tony said, Peter smiled.

"Waffles are like the best food in the world, how could I not eat them?!" Peter said as he sprayed a giant pile of whipped cream and syrup onto his golden crispy delight.

"So.... how are you feeling Peter?" Steve asked, thinking about the events of the previous night. Peter thought about it for a second.

"I'm doing pretty good." Peter said with a smile.

"You know, if you ever need our help with anything, we're here. We know better than anyone how hard it can be to be a hero sometimes." Natasha said.

"Thank you, that really means a lo-" Peter cut himself off as a sudden wave of panic from his spidey sense rushed over him.

"Somethings happening" Peter said, the Avengers looked at him confused. There was a sudden loud boom coming from below them


le cliff hanger ;)

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