Jolly Green

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I wasn't lying when I said it was a cliff hanger :)


Everyone heard a loud boom and a roar come from beneath them. 

"Bruce!" Tony yelled as he looked over to Natasha, Natasha nodded and ran off to find him.

"Whats going on?" Peter asked.

"Code green" Tony said to all of the Avengers, who all understood. 

"That still doesn't answer my question!" Peter said

"Its the Hulk Peter!" Tony said. 

"Ohhhhh...... code green..... yeah that makes sense." Peter replied. Tony rolled his eyes, he didn't have time for this.

"We need to contain the big green giant, and find out what caused him to get green in the first place." Tony said.

"Clint and Tony, go look for what caused the explosion, me, Natasha and Thor will try to contain him and calm him down." They all nodded. Tony looked to Peter.

"You, go to your room and wait until I come get you." Tony said.

"What? No I want to help!" Peter exclaimed.

"Nuh uh, no way, to dangerous for you underoos, go, now!" Tony said before running off with with everyone else.

"UGHHHHH" Peter sighed as he walked to his room. He could hear a lot of loud crashing and yelling from underneath him, he wanted to help so bad. 

"Tony can't get mad at me if I go to help the civilians working on that floor right? Then he'll see that I'm capable of helping without being in immediate danger." Peter thought to himself. He put on his spidersuit and went to use the elevator, but it was busy, so then he went to use the stairs, but before he could make it to the stairway he heard loud stomping and roaring coming up. Peter saw the hulk before hulk spotted him and he ran and hid into the kitchen. He sat and hid behind the bar and prayed that Hulk wasn't in the mood to get tipsy. Much to Peters luck, he heard the hulk stomp away until he heard nothing, but then his spidey senses spiked up, and suddenly the hulked jumped out right in front of him and roared. The hulk stared at him with a large frown and grunted.

"Uhhhhh heyyyyyy buddy, you're the Hulk right? Uh I'm new here, my name is spiderman." PEter said nervously as he stuck his hand out. The hulk looked down slightly confused, before picking peter up.

"OOOOKAYYYY uhhhhhhh, can you please put me downnnnn" Peter said nervously. Hulk laughed

"HA, tiny spider!" Hulk said.

"Hey, you're not so big yourself, you look bigger on TV." Peter said. Hulk frowned and tightened his grip around peters waist.

"HEY buddy! It was just a joke! You like jokes right?" Peter asked. Hulk stared at Peter before loosening his grip and nodding. Peter readjusted himself by crawling up onto Hulks shoulder like a parrot.

"uh, do you do any gardening, because you sure have some green thumbs!" Peter said as he pointed out the hulks thumbs. Hulk stared at his thumbs confused for a second before bursting out into laughter.

"Where is he!" Steve shouted as he ran up the stairs.

"Shit!" peter said before climbing onto the hulks back to stay hidden. The hulk started to panic and peter could tell.

"Hold on buddy don't worry I got this" Peter said. Steve walked into the kitchen and spotted bruce, he slowly started to walk forward.

"I found him, he's up on the main floor in the bar." Steve said.

"Hulk you need to calm down and come with me." Steve said, hulk started to back away and snarled at him. The rest of the Avengers came into the room. 

"Actually guys its okay." Peter said. They all looked around confused, and then Peter crawled off of Hulks back and onto his bicep, hulk put his arm out so Peter could sit on his arm comfortably. 

"What the fuck." Clint said. Everyones eyes went wide.

"kid get away from him and go back to your room like I TOLD YOU TOO." Tony said.

"He's dangerous." Steve said in a stern tone. peter took off his mask and looked at everyone.

"Nonono guys it's okay we're cool, right hulk?" Peter said, looking to the hulk. Hulk grunted and nodded. 

"Funny tiny spider." Hulk said.

"Yeah see we cool." Peter said. The Avengers all looked surprised and confused at the fact that hulk likes anyone at all, and that he thinks peter is funny, and that Peter isn't a smashed spider by now. Peter turned to hulk.

"We had a good time right? Now I know you don't like Bruce but we're gonna need him to come back soon. I loved hanging out with you, but I have science homework that only bruce can help me with, and If I don't get a good grade on it then I can't play in the next basketball game." Peter said, even though he's not attending school and he doesn't play basketball. 

"So if you could help me out like a real buddy then I'll owe you a favor." Peter said. Hulk frowned slightly but then nodded. Peter crawled off of him. Hulk sat on the ground.

"Privacy." Hulk stated. Everyone turned around for about 10 seconds before turning back to see bruce in ripped up shorts on the ground.

"What just happened." Bruce asked as he saw everyone surrounding him.

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