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After Living with the Avengers for a few weeks, Peter was starting to get used to his new semi-permanent life. All of the Avengers were really nice to him or at least tried to be, and he started working with Tony in his lab and Tony even "hired" him as his personal intern, so now he can go around the tower without people being sketched out by the fact that there's a teen just wandering around Avengers tower. The only thing Peter was worried about: School. Peter had to return to school next week and Peter really didn't feel like going back to bullies, boring lessons, and being trapped inside instead of Spidey-ing around all day and helping people.
"So what grade are you in?" Natasha asked
"Well, I'm in 10th, but I have the intelligence of a college graduate that majors in science." Peter replied.
"Well damn, can't you just graduate early? Isn't that a thing some smart kids do?" Clint asked.
"Usually, yes, but for some reason my teachers have an everlasting grudge on me and hold me back out of jealousy of my intuition," Peter replied, Tony snickered at the boi's saltiness. 


1 week later:

Peter grabbed his brand new backpack full of new text books and school supplies that Tony bought and left in his room without warning. He walked into the kitchen, it was easier for Peter to find his way around now that he had been staying at the tower for a while now. Tony was sitting at the counter eating cereal.

"Hey, spiderling, you want breakfast?" He asked Peter, peter shook his head no. Peter didn't want to eat, he felt really hungry, but he could wait, Peter felt really self conscious in front of others when eating. Tony had noticed that Peter hadn't been eating much over the past few weeks and knew that wasn't a good thing.

"You should eat anyways, don't you have like a super fast metabolism because of your powers or something?" Tony asked, trying to get Peter to cave in.

"I'm not hungry." Peter said. Tony rolled his eye's. 

"Thats what you said the last 3 times I asked you to eat, you know you have to eat to live right?" Tony said, now it was Peters turn to roll his eyes.

"I'll eat at lunch, I promise." Peter said, Tony thought about it for a second.

"Alright fine, now lets get you to school, it's in Queens right?" Tony asked, Peter nodded again.

"Why are you always so quiet? You seemed like quite the talker when we first met" Tony asked, Peter shrugged. Tony decided to put it off and they got into Tony's car and drove into Queens. They pulled into the back of Midtown Tech highschool in order to avoid attention from paparazzi. 

"Alright kid, same spot, 3:00, don't get expelled and eat lunch, if you don't I'll know, I know everything." Tony said as Peter got out of the car.

"Got it." Peter replied as he closed the door. Peter walked into the school, trying to avoid all human contact possible as he made his way to his class.


Later that day:

It was now lunch time and Peter decided that he would follow Tony's orders and eat something for lunch so that Tony would stop bothering him about it. Peter got in the lunch line and picked a few simple things that he would only eat 10% of. Peter made his way to find a seat in the corner of the lunch, but on his way there, he spotted Flash, who he had been avoiding all day. Flash spotted Peter as well, and rushed to him  and grabbed his shoulder tightly.

"Hey parker, where have you been for the past few weeks huh? Did you get suspended for sleeping with the teachers to get  good grades again?" Flash taunted.

"Leave me alone Flash, and it's none of your business." Peter remarked. 

"Or did your old orphanage hate you so much that you had to move again?" Flash said smirking. Peter was pissed off so he started walking away before he did anything to rash. 

"Hey! Don't walk away from me Puny Parker!" Flash said as he ran after Peter. When Flash approached Peter again, he smacked his lunch tray down and laughed at him, then walked away before he would get in trouble. Tears brimmed Peters eyes as he bent down to pick up his lunch tray.

"So much for lunch." Peter whispered as he put his lunch tray in the kitchen window.


After School:

Peter walked out of the back of the school and walked to the expensive looking car he saw. He got in the car and sighed out of relief that the school day was finally over. Tony looked shifted the gears.

"So how was your first day back?" Tony asked, Peter thought about to say for a second.

"........boring..." he replied as Tony backed out of the parking space. Tony glanced at him, but Peter couldn't tell because Tony was wearing sunglasses.

"Why didn't you eat lunch?" Tony asked suddenly, making Peter flinch.

"How did yo-"

"I told you kid, I know everything, also your stomach just rumbled like 12 times, it sounds like a grizzly bear, now i'm gonna ask you again, and you better answer honestly, why didn't you eat lunch?" Tony explained, Peter didn't notice his own stomach noises because he had tuned them out for the entire day so that he wouldn't focus on his hunger.

"I, uh, there was no money in my lunch account." Peter stammered. Tony looked at him like 'Seriously, that was your best excuse?' 

"Nope, I put money in your lunch account when i signed up as your new guardian on your school paper work, try again." Tony said. 

"It-its kinda stupid but I.... actually did buy a lunch.... but I dropped it, and I didn't want to... waste your money buying a new one..." Peter said, unsure if Tony would believe him (he didn't) 

"Kid, I'm a billionaire, and you're not an idiot, you know that a second lunch wouldn't even budge my bank account, so can you just tell me the truth?" Tony asked, Peter stayed silent, unsure of what to say. 

"Welp, when you're ready you can tell me I guess. But you ARE eating dinner with me and the others tonight, no excuses." Tony said, Peter nodded and turned his head to look out the window.


AYYYY i finally updated after like 2 months😂 I'll start writing the next chapter as soon as I update my other stories :)

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