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She was dropping, falling, her bright blues eyes looking into Peters with desperation, he dove after her, feeling the air whoosh past him. It all played in slow motion as he extended his web to her, but he was too late, a sickening snap rung in Peters ears. Peter landed beside her, he took off his mask, he checked her pulse, pleaded for her to wake up, knowing he couldn't live through another loss . Panic started to set in, panic and pure hopelessness. Peter collapsed and brought his head to his knees, his uncontrolled sobs echoed in the clocktower. Darkness flooded around him, he was being buried, he couldn't breath, it was all to much. A voice whispered to Peter from the black void around him, it slowly got louder and louder until  Peter could actually hear what it was saying.

"wake up peter.......Wake Up Peter.............WAKE UP PETER!" The voice was screaming now, it sounded like Uncle Ben. It got so loud that it boomed in Peters ears as he tried his hardest to cover them and block the noise out

"WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP" It screamed, then Peter blacked out, and woke up.


"NO!" Peter woke up screaming and covered in sweat. Peter was so relieved that he woke up that he started sobbing. He was happy that he wasn't in the orphanage, he always felt guilty whenever he woke the kids up from him having nightmares. Peters throat was dry, so he decided to go to the kitchen to get water. He got his glass and sat down at the counter, his senses were telling him that someone else was there. He looked around the kitchen until his eyes landed directly behind him and he saw Natasha standing there. He jumped slightly at her sudden appearance. 

"why are you in the kitchen so late?" Peter asked.

"I could ask you the same thing, but i'm not going too. Nightmare right?" Natasha asked

"How did yo-"

"Your eyes are puffy which means you were crying, and earlier I heard screaming coming from your room." Natasha responded. Peter responded will a small "oh."

"So, Fury is gonna interview you tomorrow, or I guess later today, right?" Natasha asked. Peter nodded, he kinda forgot about it until Natasha reminded him just then. He was slightly nervous.

"Don't let him intimidate you, his eyepatch may seem scary, but he's actually a softie." Natasha said, giving Peter slight reassurance. 

"Do you wanna go check out our gym and do some training? It usually helps me take my mind off things." Natasha asked. Peter nodded. Natasha found it strange how he's so quiet, he seemed quite talkative as Spiderman. Sometimes people put on a metaphorical mask to show confidence and hide their fear, maybe his metaphorical mask was his literal Spiderman mask.


After Peter and Natasha trained for a while, Peter went back to his room to shower and go back to sleep until it was morning. When Peter woke up, he smelled coffee. He felt much better after Natasha talked and trained with him the night before, he was much less nervous after she gave him a little advice. As long as he answers Fury's questions confidently, he shouldn't have many problems. Peter was finding it hard to get accustomed to his new living space, I mean, he's living with the people that tried to capture him, multiple times. It was hard trying to not be an awkward teenager all the time. Peter went into the living room and saw Clint and Tony playing Mario cart. He really wanted to play with them, but he was too nervous to say anything, so he just kinda stood there, staring at them play. After Tony beat Clint at Koopa Troopa Beaches, he looked up from the TV and saw Peter standing there, staring at the highlight reel. 

"Hey Pete, why are you just standing there?" Tony asked. Peter flinched.

"Oh.. Uh.. I...Uh" Peter rambled, not knowing how to respond, but before he could, tony cut him off.

"Hey do you like pineapple on pizza? We're ordering dinner soon and I didn't know what kind you like."  Tony asked, Peter smiled and nodded (Pineapple is good on pizza FIGHT ME)

"Alrighty then, i'll go order then, do you wanna take my place for the next course? Don't worry, Clint sucks at Rainbow Road." Tony asked, getting up. Clint looked at him in annoyance 

"I do not!" Clint responded. Peter sat down next to him and settled in with his controller. Peter couldn't stop thinking 'Why are they being so nice to me?  just a little while ago they were trying to capture me.' He shrugged the thoughts away and looked towards the screen. He forgot what it felt like to live with people like this, it was almost like a family.

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