Part 3

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You and the others somehow managed to escape the collapsing castle.

Lianna:Our poor mother.

Y/n:Stay strong Lianna, you have stay strong,I felt really devastated when my dad died. If we want to be strong soldiers, we have to put emotions behind and which means that goes for you too Rowan.

You turned around to face Rowan but he was gone.

Y/n:Oh great, where did that idiot run off to?

You started searching around the area for Rowan.

Somewhere else Rowan was lying on the ground. He started hearing some people talking.

Female voice:C'mon Chrom, I mean we have to do something.

Chrom:What do you propose?

Female:Huh?How should I know.

Male:Lissa,Chrom, he could be an enemy waiting to make an ambush.

Chrom:Don't be like that Leon, he seems harmless.

Leon notice that Rowan started waking up.

Leon:Oh it seems that someone is awake.

Chrom:Great, can you stand?

Rowan:Thanks alot, but who are you guys?

Leon:How bout you tell us who you are stranger.

Chrom:Just ignore him, we're the shepard, a milita from the halidom of Ylisse.

Rowan:A halidom if what?never heard of it.

Leon:How did you not heard of it, explain yourself stranger.

A guy wearing a metal came.

Leon:Got any thing to say Frederick.

Frederick:Yes, we must stay on our guard, he was not alone.

You and Lianna came.

Y/n:There you are you little moron, you know you really worried us back then how bout you think twice before going off on your own.

Rowan:Geez, pretty harsh There Y/n.

Lianna:Umm Rowan, do you know these people or something.

Y/n:Yeah I don't recall inviting unknown strangers.

Leon:What do you mean by strangers? What are you staring at?

Leon notice you staring him down.

Y/n:Oh nothing.

Leon:So who are you guys really?

Y/n:Well introduce yourself guys.

Lianna:We welcome you to the kingdom of Aytolios in which we are princess and Prince.

Leon:Well I never heard of it, better get going now, you guys are our prisoners.

Y/n:Wait hold up,what?

Lissa:Leon, can you back of please, geez.

Leon:Fine then, but if any of them reach for their weapons, we have no choice but put them now. Come on let's going.

You guys started walking until Leon notice about. He took out the falchion from your sheath.

Leon:I'm gonna ask where you get this.

Y/n:I got it from my father,I swear.


Leon handed you back your sword.

Leon:Just keep going.

If you don't know by now. Leon is the reader from Fire Emblem Awakening:The fire prince. Stay tuned.

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