Chapter 14

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Anneth was discussing the different methods for amputation with Ioreth when a great deal of shouting was heard from outside. Anneth leapt to her feet, looking to the elder healer with wide eyes.

"Go on, we can continue later," Ioreth said with a smile, and watched as Anneth ran from the Healing Houses.

Please don't be dead, please don't be dead, Anneth thought to herself as she ran down towards the gates. It had been almost three weeks since they had left, three weeks with no news, until the darkness over Mordor lifted and the eagle came to tell them the good news.

"Anneth!" A voice called out, and the healer saw Legolas leap from his horse. "We need your help - it's Emryn."

"Get her to the Houses! Find Ioreth once you are there," she ordered, spotting the unconscious woman in Eomer's arms. Anneth sucked in a breath when she saw how pale she was; whatever happened had to have been serious.

"What better way to return to the White City than to be greeted by the fairest healer in Middle Earth?" A familiar voice said from behind her, and Anneth whirled around to see Boromir dismounting, a wide and weary smile on his face.

Boromir had but a second to steady himself before the healer launched herself into his arms, clinging to him like she couldn't believe he stood before her.

"You came back," she finally said, and Boromir pulled back far enough to look down on her face.

"Sauron would have had to do better to keep me from returning to you, dear Anneth," he replied, and Anneth smiled, even as tears began falling from her eyes.

And then she laughed, and to Boromir it sounded like clear bells on a spring morning, a clear stream rolling over stones through an autumn wood, and when his lips met hers, the joy the came into his heart overcame all his weariness and sadness, and he was glad. Glad to finally, finally, know peace, and to hold the most incredible woman he had ever met in his arms, knowing that she loved him as he loved her.

Anneth pulled away suddenly, cursing. "Bema, I need to take care of Emryn!"

"Would you like a horse?" Boromir asked, smirking, and Anneth pressed a quick kiss to his lips before mounting the chestnut stallion. Boromir smiled as he watched her go, and he felt a presence come beside him.

"Ye couldn't have gotten luckier, laddie, unless you held the hand of Galadriel herself," Gimli said, clapping him on the back. Or at least he tried to - his stature wouldn't quite allow him to reach that high. The dwarf, however, seemed not to notice Boromir's discomfort, and carried on up toward the Citadel.

"Boromir!" A voice called out, and the Gondorian saw Aragorn trotting over to him on Brego, with a grey mare behind him. "Take her and find your brother; there is much we must discuss."


The day of Aragorn's coronation came swiftly, and during the celebrations that followed, Anneth found herself back in the now-empty Houses of Healing. She stood in the garden, lost in thought as she looked out upon the rejoicing city, but started when a voice interrupted her thoughts.

"These halls are empty, and yet here you remain," Boromir said, moving to stand beside her.

"I cannot help but think of Theodred. He would've been glad to finally know this peace," Anneth whispered, tears pricking at her eyes. Two months had passed, and yet the pain hadn't dulled.

Boromir wrapped his arm around her, drawing her into his chest. "Theodred rests now in the halls of his fathers; I believe he has found peace there. He fell defending his people, his country, you; I would say he has earned a high seat amongst them."

They stood there for a moment, the world around them quiet save the distant music and laughter, before Anneth spoke again. "What do we do now?"

Boromir ran his hand along the braids woven in her hair. "We rebuild, clear put the darkness, and look to the future. And speaking of the future." He trailed off as he reached into the pouch that hung at his waist. "I do not know what the Rohirrim do for engagements, but given the purpose of this, I decided it would suffice."

Anneth looked down at the bracelet Boromir held in his hands, woven from leather and horsehair, and she looked back up at him, mouth agape. "Do you mean that?"

"More than anything else in my life, dear Anneth. Will you accept me, a Captain of Gondor, a man who loves you, as your husband?"

"Yes. Yes, Boromir, a thousand times yes!" She exclaimed, and they embraced, high above the streets of Minas Tirith, and they finally knew peace.

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