My stupid death

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As I sat watching Horrible History's I reached for my cup of miso soup I remembered its to hot and put it back down but it split on my laptop and electrocuted me to death. I sit in a dark empty room laughing at how I died and think back to what my brother said. " you are going to die of the most stupid think possible to your insignificant brain." Then I think about his reaction and am showed it... He's laughing so hard he's crying and my mum's hitting him with pillows the usual.

I think I'm going to cry from laughing too, oh well I say be lazy and sleep, can I even do that meh who cares.


As the child slept, another awoke ready to go to work.


As i saw there was another dead idiot i sighed and face palmed, so many idiots are dying and i can't help them from themselves. Maybe I'll grant this one some shred of intelligence, any is an improvement... She will surely die if i don't help her somehow and she seems decent enough, just lacks brain cells.


Sleeping is fun I never want to wake up.... Who's that lady, Why is she glowing. Does she have LED lights on her or something am I on drugs????

The light lady just looked at me and sighed.


i can tell by the blank look on her face and her thoughts she has no brain at all, causing me to sigh. The youth of today is hopeless.


Light lady looked like she wanted to say something but didn't Another sigh exapese her lips, This lady must be sad or something she needs anime.


"Child i created anime, state your name" i begin to grow tired of this imbecile, i might send her back to Earth to get rid of her.


" My name is Nejima Akito and I'm not a child I'm a 15 year old respect Anime!"

I think I angerd her oh well I wanted to meet my maker and yell at them for the recent quallity of anime I mean Who makes anime 3D Villians thats who.... Dumb humans making horrible movies too.... I hate this life. wait I'm dead, welp that was fun lets not do that ever angain...


This child amuses me. "As you said Miss Akito Nejima, dumb humans make bad anime, not me. and by Earth law you are still a child, sso respect your elders child" i smirk as she is out witted.


"Then reincarnate me so I don't have to stay on earth anymore!"

does anything I say make sense probably not but who cares no one can hear my thoughts or can they! ( dan dan dannnn) I'M RETARDED mwhahahahah

( claps like an Idiot)


i grin evilly "as you wish child.." i clap twice and stomp my left foot and POOF she's gone, thank God!! oh wait I am God, *evil laugh* *coughs* *chokes on air* *dies* wait i can't die! i keep forgetting that.

how to be a dumbassजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें