error 404 with my brain

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Akito's P.O.V
As dad fills mum in about why we teleported to her, I make sure no one knew we were there and that we were safe. I feel someone's arms wrap around me and sigh. " Oni-chan?" I questioned but got no response so I turned around and saw the queen and Luke hugging me, how does that work I felt one pair of arms not two???? I hug Luke and relax in his arms, mum mumbles something that sounded like cute and dad fangirled. The queen is then filled in by dad and I sit down with my brother and relax as mum gives me cake. I gobble it down and snuggle against Luke.

Luke's P.O.V
Christine and dad suddenly appear and look for someone, mum appears and they relax, dad talks with mum and Christine walks around looking for anyone suspicious. I sneak up on her and hug her and the queen hugs us and sighs Christine relaxes against me and we sit down so she can eat, she scoffs it and cuddles up against me and sighs a big ass sigh then falls asleep. I like how she relaxes around me but it can be dangerous for me if I fall asleep too.
I wonder why the queen hugged us? Mabye she misses her kids or something.

Akito's P.O.V
Luke is very comfy and I like his sent, I thinking shall sleep next to him until I'm not allowed anymore. Mum is talking to the queen and I hear the words marriage and sit up mum sees me get up and sweats under my gaze. " I hope your not planning to marry me off the the queen's son. Mother, father." I say with a sickly sweet smile spreading across my face.  Dad starts to retreat and mum legs it out of the room, the queen laughs at them and says this is my future daughter-in-law. I glare at my perents " I am not getting married to anyone, you try this again and I will run away and you won't find me..." I say with venom in my words. Luke hugs me and I teleport us to my room and seal the door with magic.

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