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Akito's P.O.V
After mum let me hold a sword I've been training with it for about a year so I'm better than most of the city's gaurds and can last about a minute against mum, dad keeps trying to get me to learn to dance or got to balls and shit like that but I just run away from him.

Mum is taking me although more like drags me to a dressing room and has prepared a dress and a suit " choose one and that will be what your wearing to this formal ball your father was invited to, you will accompany him and protect him as we have to protect the queen..." She said
Fuck and that but if mum said I need to then I shall do as I need, I pick the suit because it has more mobility and it's a suit! I've wanted to wear a suit for ages but dad always said lady's wear dresses and gentlemen wear suits. Fuck that shit if you wear a dress they make you wear a corset that shit makes you stop breathing.

I put on the suit and get my sword and place it on my hip, " honye use this " mum said it's a katana I've never seen one here but fuck yeah they have them in this world!!!
I replace the sword with my new Katana and I shall name it Rin, this is gonna be so much fun!!!

Dad has finally gotten dressed and is now waiting in the carriage with me, the carriage moves and we sit in silence untill a sudden stop. I get in position in case bandits have attacked. Dad looks happy and his Butler opens the door and dad walks out all giltery and shit, I jump down with no help and dad scowls at me. I poke my young out at him and we walk into some mansion like place. We wait till we hear our names being called out and enter the shiney room. I stick close to dad encase anybody gets to close or looks suspicious. A lady trust to flirt with dad but I shut her down before any words can be said. Dad looks relived and relaxed  before stuffing cake in his mouth.

How I long for cake and it's delicious taste, the lady I deflected earlier is glearing at me and whispering to some dude. What did I do to deserve some whores attention, oh right I politely told her to fuck off, dad is now laughing. Oh yeah I reconnected our minds, enjoy my retarded brain sir jacob. He is laughing even harder and almost turning red, " don't laugh to much or you'll choke, I mean not that miss whorebag over there won't try to give you CPR ..." I wispered to him and he really does choke. Don't laugh Akito don't laugh. To late I'm now laughing that I'm going red and falling over, " don't laugh at me!" Dad sooks.

I wonder when we get to leave, dad gets up and motions for me to follow and we walk to a garden and dad asks me if I can teleport us to a different room. I was confused at first but understood and teleported us next to mum, who was angry at us for leaving our post but relieved that we were safe.

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