Chapter One

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I didn't want to wake up. I didn't want to open my eyes. Every morning I dreaded awakening to servants of the castle breaking the horrible news I feared all of my waking and sleeping hours.

Looking at my clock, I could tell that is was almost noon. I had to get up. Groaning inwardly, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I wanted right back to sleep; I was tired.

It's the depression, I heard Kristoff say in the back of my mins, like he had the day before. When you're really sad, you get tired.

I looked in the mirror to get ready. My hair was a rat's nest, like usual, and it took me at least ten minutes to get it soft and smooth again. However, instead of putting my hair in two braids like usual, I French braided it like Elsa always did.

I fumbled through my closet, passing the dresses I normally wore. I wanted different. In the way back of the closet I found a dress that was almost identical to Elsa's cornoration dress.

I walked through the halls of Arendelle, heading to my sister's room. Guards and staff bowed to me, but I didn't notice or care. My face was stone and lifeless.

I knocked on the familiar door, like I had many times before. It opened, and inside were doctors, nurses, and on the bed, Elsa. It was heart-wrenching to see her getting worse every day. She didn't even have the strength to turn and look at me.

"Princess Anna," one of the doctors greeted. "Queen Elsa is doing as usual. Would like a moment alone with her?" I nodded and waited for everyone to leave before I moved.

I ran up to my sister's bed and hugged her. "Hey, Elsa!" I said cheerfully. My attitude around Elsa was completely different than what I felt, but the last thing I wanted was for her to realize the pain I was going through for her. For Elsa's sake, I had to stay strong.

"Hi, Anna," Elsa managed to croak. I wanted to break down and cry hearing how exhausted she sounded, but I kept the fake smile plastered on my face. I was on a stage, not able to break character, and Elsa was my audience.

"I made the kitchen staff make butternut squash soup!" I exclaimed. "Your favorite! It'll be here by lunch time." Elsa weakly smiled.

"I like your dress," she whispered. "And your hair." Elsa lifted a hand and ran her fingers through my orange hair.

I stood up and twirled. "Thank you! I wanted to wear it for you, Elsa."

"Because I'm dying," she replied, face darkening. "You are wearing it because I'm practically already dead." I kneeled back down beside her, smile fading.

Conceal, don't feel, I told myself as I tried not to break in front of Elsa. It was the advice she had told me to use when I was on the edge of coming apart.

I put my hand over Elsa's. "You're not dying," I lied. "And I wore this to honor you, Elsa. You are fighting like a warrior; someone needs to praise you for it. You deserve it."

A tear slid down Elsa's face and turned to ice. "Anna, you can't hide it from me. I'm dying, I feel it. I just wish I could stick around longer for you." She sighed. "You're the strong one, Anna. Everything has been stripped you, and I was all that's I have to leave."

My throat burned with the promise of

tears. I held in my breath, trying to not let the dam between my emotions and the outside world break. "Elsa, you are not going anywhere." Feeling tears come into my eyes, I added, "I have to go. I will be back as soon as I can."

As soon as the door closed behind me tears spilled down my face. I cried and cried. I got a few sympathetic glances and a few confused ones as well, but I didn't care. I only staggered away, more tears wetting my cheeks.


I heard her cry as soon as she left. I admired her courage to stay strong around me; I knew how hard she was taking this. Kristoff had voiced his concerns of her to me.

"She's not as lively," Kristoff had said. "She never smiles, and nothing cheers her up. I'm afraid if you die, she'll literally die from depression."

I had frowned and looked him in the eye. "When I die, not if. I will die eventually, and hopefully before her. I am older than her, that's the way life should work."

Kristoff sighed, and I could tell have stressed he was over Anna "Yeah, but you are her other half, Queen Elsa. I don't know how she'll survive without you."

I smiled softly at him. "That's where you come in."


"Queen Elsa." I opened my eyes, awakening from my slumber. It was Gerda, a servant of the Arendelle castle. "Sorry to bother you, Your Highness."

"That's fine," I replied. "What is it?"

Gerda looked...nervous. Her hazel eyes were worried, and she playing with her hands. "It's Princess Anna. She's no where to be found."

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