Chapter Six

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I awoke in the same place I had fallen asleep.  As the sun rose, light reflected off of the ice, shining in my eyes like a perfect wake-up call.  Sighing, I sat up and rubbed by back.  Sleeping on ice doesn't feel that pleasant. 

I put on my hooded cloak and prepared to set out again.  My hair was down, getting in the way, so I decided to put it in braids, just the way Anna did.  I was about to step outside the palace when I realized my ice heels weren't fit for the adventure.  I thought of the same icy material and crafted boots that were fit for traveling through the forest.  Setting out, I got my horse and headed back into the forest. 

It was a new day.  I could start over.  The rest I had gotten hadn't healed my ill body, but it had revived my spirits.  My mind was fresh enough to keep going, so I forced my frail body to keep going as well. 


Halfway through the day, I wasn't so positive. 

Sweat was dripping down my face, and I was glad that my ice couldn't melt.  My cough was returning, and I was losing hope.  I felt weak, dehydrated, and hungry.  I had to go back sooner or later. 

As I was about to turn around, I my horse bumped into something white and soft.  He whinnied and reared, sending me off his back.  Not wanting to lose my horse, I immediately got up, grabbed his reins, and tried to calm him down.  "Easy, easy, boy."  Soon, his breaths grew even and he closed his eyes.  I tied him to tree to investigate exactly what had caused the collision. 

I was surprised to see an old, giggly friend.  "Olaf!" I exclaimed.  The snowman laughed and reached his stick arms around my back to hug me.  "Olaf, how did you find me?" 

"Kristoff sent me to find you," he giggled.  "He was worried.  I figured you would go to your ice castle, so I was on my way there, when your horse ran into me!"  Olaf jumped up and down like an excited little kid, his personal flurry bouncing around with him. 

"Wait, Olaf," I began, an idea sparking in my mind.  "You've came through the woods to get here.  Have you happened to see Anna by any chance?"  I hoped and prayed that he had; my head was starting to pound from the fall I had taken off my horse. 

Olaf nodded.  "Yeah, why?" 

I gasped.  He knew where she was!  "Olaf, I need you to take me to her!"  My heart was pounding in my chest.  Olaf had found her?  Was she alright?  Surely he would notice if she was dead or something...but then again, this was Olaf we're talking about. 

"Okay!" Olaf laughed.  "Come on."  I untied my horse and put Olaf up front, and I went behind him.  He vaugley directed me through me woods.  I didn't think we would find her at this rate.  All Olaf was saying was, "Oh, yeah!  I remember this place!  Ooh, go that way!" 

I was about to question Olaf when we came upon a clearing.  It was filled of clovers and daisies, and in the center of it, lay Anna. 


The dining room felt empty.  The whole castle felt empty. I wanted to give up and go search for Anna myself, but I knew I had to stay.  If only Elsa had let me go instead.  It was horrible having to sit and wait.  Somewhere out there was Anna, condition unknown, and also Elsa, the frail queen who could die at any moment from her strange disease.  I had sent Olaf aafter them, but what good would that do?  If none of them returned, I'd be back to square one, with only Sven as my friend. 

I went through the motions without any feelings whatsoever.  I couldn't feel any emotions; I was dead.  I was dead to the world, I was dead to Arendelle.  I needed Anna back.  I needed Elsa back.  I needed everything to go back to normal.  When had my life gone down the wrong path? 


"Anna!"  I hopped off of my horse and knelt down next to her.  Her eyes were closed, her face pale.  "Anna!"  I put her head in my lap and stroked her hair.  I saw her chest rising and falling, but so faintly I was worried it would stop. 

Olaf came after me, his usual smile on his face.  I wantd to snap at him for being such an idiot.  Why didn't he tell me this was urgent?  Anna was dying!  "Olaf," I said calmly, voice trembling.  "Why didn't you tell me she was in this state?"  I kept it together for the poor snowman's sake.  He didn't know what was right and wrong.  I couldn't be mad at him. 

Olaf frowned.  "What state?  She's sleeping!"  I sighed and turned my attention back to my sister, who's eyes fluttered open. 

"E-Elsa?" she whispered. 

"Anna!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around her.  "Anna, you're alive!"  Honestly, I didn't know for how much longer, though. 

Her lips were as pale as snow.  "T-The potion..." she murmured.  "The potion will save..."  And like that, she was unconcious again. 

Potion?  What potion?  My eyes darted to the satchel she carried.  I snatched it, rummaging through the belongings inside.  And, like she had said, at the bottom was a glass vile, full of a bubbling, red liquid the color of fire.  Potion...

She said the potion would save something.  But what?  Her?  It was worth a chance.  Arendelle was at least an hour away, she would die if I didn't try to do something.  I knew it was an incredible risk, but she had practically given me the instructions....  Taking a deep breath, I opened her mouth and poured the liquid down her throat. 

"Olaf, come on.  We need to get Anna back to Arendelle, and quick." 


I sat at the head of the long, empty dining table when the doors burst open.  It was Kai, heaving in air.  "Your...Majesty.  Anna and Elsa..." 

I stood up, eyes widening.  "What?  Where are they?  Are they alright?"  All Kai could do was point to the hall outside.  That was all the signal I needed; I hopped to my feet and sprinted out of the dining hall. 

In the hallway was a lot of commotion.  Nurses rushed everywhere, guards at every corner.  What was going on?  I pushed my way through all of it, to find Anna and Elsa, both looking horribly ill.  Everyone looked to me, waiting for an order, seeing as the queen was too sick to speak.  "Uh, get them to a room!  All doctors and nurses, go as well.  Make sure they're in the same room, I know they'd want to be together." 

I helped rush them to one of the spare bedrooms on the first floor.  There were two beds, luckily side by side.  I knew if the sisters were seperated, they would only ask for each other, so why split them apart to begin with? 

Elsa was barely concious, while Anna was out like a light.  "Make okay."  Her face was green and she looked on the edge of passing out.  Anna was white as snow, like the day she had been struck by Elsa's ice, but her skin burned to the touch.  I was told she had a very serious fever. 

"What happened?" I asked Elsa. 

She shrugged weakly.  "I don't know," she croaked.  "I found Olaf...he showed me to Anna...and Anna was unconcious.  Then, I..."  Her eyes grew heavy.  "I..." 

"It's alright, rest," I told her.  "There'll be time for stories later." 

Then I turned my attention to Anna, the love of my life, who was dying right before my eyes. 


Hiiii sorry for the abrupt ending I am sooooo tired but yeah.  Follow my Instagram @ frozen.vids.comics it's pretty cool:) Short note, Ily guys!  Keep reading and vote!


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