Chapter Two

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"What do you mean?" I asked, worry and fear building up inside of me.  "How is she missing?  I saw her this morning, she seemed fine."  I ran senarios through my head of Anna being kidnapped, attacked by wolves, and worst of all, taken by Hans.  I felt the room drop in temperature and saw a shadow of fear cover Gerda's face. 

Keep it together, Elsa, I told myself.  Conceal, don't feel.

"I-I don't know, Your Highness," Gerda admitted.  "It's a puzzle to us all.  Kristoff is clueless as well; wherever she went, she went alone."  She sighed and hugged me.  "I'm so sorry, Queen Elsa." 

It was nice to have arms around me.  I knew Gerda well; she had been a servant since I was a child, and I remember her letting me and Anna slip a few extra chocolates in our mouths after dinner.  She was the servant closest to me by my request.  "Send out all forces except a handful.  I don't want Arendelle to be too vurnerable, but we have to find my sister.  Search the whole kingdom.  The woods, the mountains, all of it." 

Gerda nodded and stepped back.  "Yes, Your Majesty."  And like that, she was gone. 


The dense woods around me gave me the shudders, but I willed myself on.  I could tell that my horse, Willow,obviously didn't want to be there.  It was only at my command that she moved forward; I'm sure if it was up to her she would have bolted.  It was a bit creepy, the foliage and undergrowth so thick she could barely see in front of her.  There were no birds singing in the trees or light filtering through the branches; the leaves where too thick for that. 

Do it for Elsa,  I thought to myself as I had the urge to forget about the whole thing and turn around.  Do it for your sister. 

I trudged on.  No rabbits or animals came across my path; I had the feeling that they were scared of the place as well.  "I wouldn't blame them," I muttered to myself. 

As I traveled deeper into the unknown forest, the temperature started to decrease drastically.  It began to feel way too cold for summer, and I was on the edge of needing a cloak.  Elsa, I thought to myself.  Something must be bothering her.  Of course, that 'something' was probably me missing, but she would understand soon enough.  I was desperate.  I had to save her. 

My horse slowed down so much she was barely walking at all.  "Willow, move," I ordered as I kicked her thigh.  She stood still.  "Willow, come on.  This is for Elsa!"  She planted her hooves firmly on the ground and refused to move an inch. 

Sighing, I slid off the sadle and tied her to a tree.  If she didn't want to go, fine.  I could go by myself, I was perfectly capable of it.  And so on I marched, now completely alone in the woods.  Branches swiped at my face, causing scratches that soon began to bleed, and my dress was ripped and torn.  It began to grow even more cold, to the point where I was hugging myself and my teeth were chattering. 

Finally, after what seemed like days, I reached a house.  Well, I wouldn't call it a house, exactly.  It was more of a shack, probably only big enough for one room.  There was no sign, no driveway.  Nothing.  The windows were smashed and boarded up and there was no paint over the plywood.  What kind of dump was this? 

However, I knew it was my destination.  Who else would be living in the woods like this? Sighing, I gathered up my courage and knocked on the front door, which had been eaten away in places by termites.  It opened immediately with no one behind it.  That's reassuring, I thought before stepping inside.  I had nothing to lose, right?


Hiiii guys thanks so much for reading!  I got my laptop fixed so now I can actually update easier.  Before I was doing it on my phone (just imagine typing a very, very long text message) :/  Anyways I know things are boring now but it will get better I promise!  A tiwst is coming up in a few chapters....and Helsa will be later on.  I look forward to it and hope you do as well!  Questions? Comment or message me.  Vote, follow, and add this to your libaray for updates!

Thanks xx

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