Chapter Four

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Kristoff barged through the door, a worried look on his face.  "Elsa--I mean, Queen Elsa--have you seen Anna?  I haven't seen her all day, I thought maybe she would be with you, but then guards told me to come here and I knew something was wrong."  I didn't mind that he didn't call me 'Queen,' he normally didn't, even though he was supposed to.  I liked being reminded sometimes that I was still Elsa, just like I was before I had come to the throne. 

I shook my head, my worst fears cascading down upon me.  "I haven't seen her, I thought maybe she'd go to you."  I felt my throat start to burn with the promise of tears, and bit my lip to prevent them from coming.  "I heard her crying in the hallways, something was upsetting her."  I didn't add how my illness was what caused the meltdown. 

Kristoff sat in the armchair next to my bed and put his head in his hands.  "I should've been here," he groaned.  "I knew I should take more time off of work to be here with Anna; she needed me and I wasn't here and now she's gone."  His voice was full of pain, and I was worried he was going to cry.  I hated hearing people cry, it was the saddest sound I knew. 

"It's okay, Kristoff," I assured him.  "It's not your fault.  It's mine.  She's upset about me and my upcoming death.  If anyone should be to blame, it's me."  I flinched a bit when I mentioned my death.  It was weird to think that soon, I would be leaving earth and leaving my family.  I always thought that day was going to be so far away, but it had sprung up on me out of nowhere. 

Kristoff looked at me with sad, brown eyes.  "Elsa, it's not your fault.  You can't help that your sick.  It is no one's fault that Anna is missing, but we have to find her nonetheless.  Are the guards looking for her?"  I nodded, and he relaxed, but I felt like it wasn't enough.  I itched to get out of bed, saddle up, and go after her.  I wasn't in the state to do that, but I wouldn't consider any efforts to find her good enough unless I was there, too, working my hardest to find my sister. 

So that's what I would do. 


Madame Bagsley lifted a frail finger and pointed to my chest.  "I want that.  That necklace of yours."  I looked down to see the necklace I had worn on Elsa's coronation day, the one my mother and father had given me as a gift before they left to go across seas.  Before they died. 

I grabbed it and clutched it close to my heart.  "N-no," I said.  "You can't have this.  My parents gave me this.  It's all I have left of them." 

The witch's emotions did not change.  She opened her hand, waiting for me to give it to her.  "Come on, Princess.  Do you want to save your sister or not?"  Her gray eyes were cold and hard.

I shook my head.  "Please," I begged.  "Anything but this.  Anything."  The nekclace had also been a locket, and inside that locket was their picture.  I coudln't let go of that. 

Madame Bagsley's eyes burned.  "NO!  I want that necklace, NOW!"  I flinched at her scathing voice.  Giving her a sharp look, I thought things over.  This was the last of my parents I had left.  But then again, Elsa would die without this.  I was determining whether to go with the past or the future.  Closing my eyes, I took off the necklace and placed it in the witch's hand. 

I glared at her so hard that I could almost feel her gaze waver under mine.  "Thank you," Madame Bagsley said.  "Now, the potion." 

She stood up and headed over to her shelves, rumaging through glasses full of fruit, liquids, bones, eyes--everything you'd expect to find in a witch's home.  She hummed to herself before grabbing a glass vile from the back and handing it to me.  It had a liquid in it that bubbled and steamed, the fog swirling up into shapes I couldn't describe.  It was an odd red color, deeper than the color of blood. 

"Now, get out of my house," Madame Bagsley ordered. 

As she pushed me out, I bumped into her on purpose.  Sure, she was an old lady that I almost pitied for her unfortunate appearance, but she had been a real scumbag to me about everything.  "Hey!  I just gave you my most prized possession, take it easy, woman!" 

Madame Bagsley rolled her eyes.  "And I gave you a potion to heal your sister.  We're even.  Get out."  And like that, the door was slammed in my face. 


I was sure to wash my hands after touching that filth.  What a little spoiled princess she was!  She would soon regret talking to me like that.  I had the power to destroy her life all at once.  And I was going to.  Half of that was already done. 


I dressed this time in a dress similar to my coronation dress, just maroon and dark purple.  I also put on a black hooded cloak for the journey.  I didn't bother to french braid my hair like usual, I just left it hanging in waves down my shoulders. 

"Are you sure you're going to go?" Kristoff asked me as he helped me saddle onto my horse, Chevron.  "This is dangerous, Elsa.  I should come with you, especially with your medical state." 

I placed a hand on his broad shoulder from up on my horse.  He looked truly worried for me, and I loved him for that.  Not in the way Anna loved him, but in a brotherly way.  I knew someday he'd make a great husband to Anna.  "If something happens to me, Arendelle is in your hands.  I left a note with my signature saying so in the drawer on my bedside table, so there's proof.  Besides, when they realize I'm missing, you have to explain everything to them." 

Kristoff sighed.  "What if they don't believe me?  For all I know, they'll think I kidnapped you.  After all, I'm just a 'crazy mountain man.'"  The air turned warmer, back to its original state before I had gotten upset.  My compassion for my sister's boyfriend had thawed. 

"If they give you any trouble, show them the note," I told him.  "And if I die and they still give you trouble, I'll assure you that their life will be a living hell with me haunting them."  I smirked.  Kristoff laughed. 

"Farewell, Queen Elsa," Kristoff called out to me as I galloped away into the woods behind the castle.  "I wish you a safe travel."  There, now he was being more formal. 


I knew what I was doing was risky, and my life was at stake.  If I failed to return in time, I'd die from my exhaustion.  Being ill takes a toll on you, and even everyday activities are difficult.  If I ran into power-hugnry dirt bags like Hans, I was as good as dead.  My ice was difficult to control when all of my energy was focused on fighting off my disease.  There were threats of death at every corner. 

But I had to find Anna. 


Hi sorry for the really short chapter, the next one will probably be longer!  Please vote, follow, and keep reading!  Comments and messages are appreciated!  Also feel free to check out my Instagram, @ frozen.videoedits :)

I'm hoping I'll have more time to write soon.  I am starting soccer for the year again, so that will be an issue, and school is approaching quicker than expected OwO so that will definitely cut back time.  Ew I don't want to go back, I like my summer like Olaf. 

Anyways, sorry to keep you with this boring note!  Bye!

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