Chapter Three

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The whole realization that Anna was gone still had not hit me.  I felt like I was in a dream, and I convinced myself that I would wake up at any moment.  That's the only way I stayed together.  Conceal don't feel.  It was hard not to feel, though, and I felt the room around me get even colder. 

The doctors came in to check on me like usual, bringing me a bowl of my favorite soup.  It was all the same news: I wasn't getting better, I was slightly getting worse, and they didn't know what would happen to me.  I felt it inside me, though; I knew my day was coming sooner than I had expected.  When I told the doctors this, they exchanged nervous glances. 

"Queen Elsa," the head doctor told me.  "you must think positive thoughts.  If you lose motivation, then yes, you will die.  However, will to survive may be your best hope."  I sighed.  The soup on my lunch tray didn't look so appetizing anymore.  I normally ate lunch with Anna besides me, there to comfort me through all I was experiencing. 

Where had she gone?  She had broke down in the hallway; she could've just run off to be alone.  But that wasn't something Anna would do.  If she needed comfort, she would find it with me or Kristoff.  In this case, my best hope was Kristoff, since I was the matter bothering her.  Maybe she'd be better off when I was dead; she wouldn't have to worry about me fighting anymore. 

"Send me Kristoff," I ordered the guards by my door.  "Immediately."  They were out in a flash, and I hoped that my sister's boyfriend would be able to solve her whereabouts. 

Doctor John, the main doctor, studied me.  His eyes darted from my pale, sunken face to my untouched soup.  "Queen Elsa, you must eat.  I hate to give you orders; after all, you are queen, but as your doctor, I need you to eat that soup."  His hazel eyes stared directly into my blue ones. 

"I'm not hungry," I replied. 

John raised an eyebrow and kept staring.  So did I.  Soon, he gave up and sighed.  "Queen Elsa, if you don't eat, this could mean bad news.  Everything starts from a patient too depressed to eat.  Queen, please eat." 

"I'm not hungry," I told him, voice firm. 

John ordered the other doctors out; their time there was finished.  He gathered his supplies and clipboard, scribbling a note down.  As he headed towards the door, he turned back and said, "Queen Elsa, if you won't do it for me, do it for your sister." 


"Hello?" I asked.  "Is anyone there?"  Every instinct in my body screamed to get out of that place, but I headed in further.  "Hello?" I groaned.  What if this was just an empty shack? 

Just as I was about to turn back, an old woman popped out of nowhere two inches from my face.  I screamed and backed away.  As I regained my senses and my shock wore off, I glared at the lady.  "Hey!"  But as I saw her unforgiving appearance, I regretted being so harsh.

I knew looks could be decieving--very, very decieving--but everything about this old lady gave me the creeps.  She barely had any hair, and what was left of it was gray strands that reached her shoulders.  One eyes was made of glass, swiveling around uncontrollably.  she had a horrible snaggletooth, and wrinkles everywhere.  My guess was that the woman had to be at least 200 years old, as impossible as that may be. 

The woman frowned.  "Sorry to frighten you, my dear.  I frighten many, with this face."  I tried to straighten out my expression; she couldn't help the way she looked.  "I guess this is the tradeofff for having a power like mine.  Not that you'd believe me, of course."  She smiled.  "Please, have a seat." 

I sat down in a rocking chair by what looked like a fireplace.  It was more like a bunch of sticks in the middle of a circle of stones with a rag-tag chimney.  "No, no, I believe you.  See, my sister has powers, too.  I believe in magic." 

The old woman sat across from me.  "Yes, I guess so.  I know who you are, Princess Anna.  I also know of your sister, and her powers."  She flicked her hand, and a fire appeared in the fireplace.  My eyes widened, but I wasn't surprised.  "So, what brings you here?" 

I sighed.  "Are you Madame Bagsley?"

She nodded.  "Yes, I am."  She snapped and a cup of tea appeared in her hand.  "Now, what brings you here?" Madame Bagsley repeated. 

"Well," I began.  "I'm kind of desperate.  You see, Queen Elsa has grown very sick, and there is nothing to do to save her.  I don't know what I'd do without her, and I'm not ready to be queen.  I mean, I'd be a horrible queen, you have to admit."  Madame smiled and agreed.  "I heard some men talking about you, and how they bought some sort of love potion here.  So I thought--"

I was cut off.  "Wait, you are getting off track.  Your sister is dying and you are concerned about your love life?"  Her one good eye widened, the other darting around as normal.  I shuddered inwardly. 

"No," I answered.  "I just thought that you might have other potions.  Maybe one able to heal the very sick."  I looked down at my hands and fiddled with them.  There was a breeze blowing from the outside; Elsa must be upset.  I shivered.  Madame Bagsley noticed this and shut the door with a wave of her hand. 

"I see," she murmured.  "A potion to heal your beloved sister.  How sweet.  However, my dear, these things are very expensive."  She smirked, and I looked away, not wanting to hold her gaze.  She creeped me out, no matter how much I pitied her. 

"I will pay whatever it is," I replied. 

Madame Bagsley smiled at me; an evil smirk cold enough to send shivers down my spine and goosebumps up my arms, and this time I knew it wasn't from Elsa's cold. 


Hi guys! Sorry for the wait I've been procrastinating like usual!  Anyways, I've had lots of fun writing this and want to get you, the readers, involved as much as you can!  Leave a comment, give this a vote, and follow me!  Follow my Instagram, @ frozen.videoedits! Ily keep reading and add this to your library if you haven't already!


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