Chapter Five

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Sorry for the note at the beginning but if you are getting bored I promise these chapters are where it starts to heat up!  Helsa comes a bit later on, but some action is at your own risk.





It had been hours in the woods.  I wasn't fond of venturing into the forest in any season but winter, so I wasn't the most comfortable.  Besides, the woods stretched on forever, and finding Anna seemed impossible.  She could be literally anywhere.  She could be a mile away from me or in Corona.  The options were unlimited, making the search harder than anticipated. 

With each minute I didn't find my sister, I felt my control begin to slip away.  I saw my hands turn slightly blue, a sign that ice was willing to break free.  Conceal don't feel.  I had been locked in my room for thirteen years, whispering those three words to myself.  For the short period of peace after the Great Thaw, I thought I would never need that phrase again, that it would only be part of the past.  I was wrong. 

The reins on Chevron began to turn to ice.  He whinnied nervously, sensing a change.  I pet his caramel pelt, trying to soothe him.  Thinking of Anna and I rejoicing after I found her, I took a deep breath and melted the ice on the reins.  Love will thaw.  Love.  Witht that, the crystals of ice on the reins melted away into the air before disappearing out of sight. 

I continued my search, but without any luck.  The forest around me seemed completely empty of any human life.  I began to doubt that my sister had taken refuge in the forest.  She could've gone anywhere...but if she didn't go in the forest, where did she go?  She couldn't sail somewhere; someone would clearly notice.  There wasn't really anywhere else to go in Arendelle except for the woods and mountains. 

I sighed when I realized the sun was going down.  I was too far away from the castle to go home; plus I didn't even know where that was.  I was lost, and I needed to make shelter fast.  I thought of building another ice castle, or something similar, but that would cause too much commotion.  People would know that the queen was in the forest, and they would know exactly where I was.  That could be dangerous. 

"This absolutely sucks," I muttered to myself.  I decided to keep going, it was the only option other than sleeping up in a tree or something. 

The sun continued to make it's daily trip down to the horizon.  The sky began to turn beautiful shades of pink, orange, and yellow.  I would've enjoyed it, but the density of the leaves about me blocked out most of the sky and cast menacing shadows across my path.  It had been a horrible decision to go alone.  I was going to die out here. 

I coughed, feeling a tickle in my throat that wouldn't go away.  It started fine, just a little cough, but it developed into something worse.  I couldn't breathe, I couldn't stand it.  Stay calm, Elsa, I told myself.  Don't cough.  Breathe in, breathe out.  Cough.  Breathe in, breathe out.  Cough.  I coughed so much it hurt.  It soon turned into a barking cough that sounded like a seal, and I knew this wasn't good.  I was feeling weak and tired from my illness and the day's travel.  Why had I done this?

Because of Anna.  I had done this because of Anna.  And I was going to keep doing this for Anna, even if it meant me dying trying to find her.  She had died for me, once.  I was willing to do the same.


Kai, a servant of the castle, approached me with an armed guard later that day.  "Good afternoon, Kristoff.  Do you happen to know the whereabouts of Queen Elsa?"  I panicked, although I had thought over the scenario in my head hundreds of times. 

"Um, I..." I began.  "Yes.  I do."  I cleared my throat and looked at the ground. 

The guard straightened up, ready to take action if needed.  What, did they think I killed her or something?  My girlfriend's sister?  It was outrageous, I would never do something like that to Elsa.  It would kill Anna. 

Kai's eyes widened.  "Where is she?"  He forced as much authority into his voice as he muster, trying to pry the truth out of me.  I was willing to give it to him, though.  If I lied, things would be worse. 

"Queen Elsa has left," I replied.  "to go search for Princess Anna.  I tried to stop her, but she ordered me to let her go alone.  She left me in charge, and a note with her signature to prove it."  I pulled the note of my pocket that I had collected from her beside table. 

Kai snatched the piece of paper from my hand and read it.  It said:

Dear Arendelle,

        I have left to go in search of my sister.  I am very concerned for her well-being and feel that I need to be a part of the search effor.  I go alone.  Do not come search after me, continue to look for my sister.  I leave Kristoff in charge.  If something is to happen to me, Kristoff will be King of Arendelle.

Yours truly,

Queen Elsa of Arendelle.

I saw him and the guard inspect the signature.  Kai eyed me warily before bowing.  "Your Highness.  I am sorry for the confusion.  We will inform the castle."  And like that, they were gone. 

I wasn't expecting it to work that well, so I was happy.  Then again, I was worried for Elsa, and mostly, Anna.  Where had she gone?  Why didn't she at least tell me?  It hurt to see leave like that without consulting me first; I thought she loved me.  Maybe she didn't.  Maybe I was just a two year fling.  But if Elsa didn't return, I didn't want to rule Arendelle with anyone else. 


Weak and tired, I came out on the base of North Mountain.  I gasped, eyes lighting up.  North Mountain.  That's where my ice castle was!  The sky was turning darker by the minute, the stars popping out more and more.  As I emerged from the forest, I broke my horse into a canter. 

I climbed the mountain just as I had the night of my cornoration.  And I felt the way I did that night as well; like my life was falling apart.  Then, I had just froze Arendelle and exposed my secret, now I had lost my sister.  This time it was worse.  As I came across my staircase that led to the majestic castle, I realized that my horse had no where to stay.  He certainly couldn't climb the steps, and if he stayed out in the open, wolves could get to him. 

Sighing, I slid off his back.  Thinking of a small building, sleek and simple, I closed my eyes and let my powers do the rest.  Ice rose from the ground, crystalizing and forming into a small building made entirely out of my ice.  I stepped inside and made a door and a stable.  It looked easy, but was honestly exhausting.  Heaving with the effort of building the stable and traveling, I led my horse inside for him to have a safe night. 

Inside my castle, I felt at home.  Everything was beautiful and cold.  I smiled, letting it all go.  Heading to a corridor on my right, I entered a spare room I had made.  There was nothing inside it, but if I was going to stay there it had be fit for a queen.  Smirking, I twirled and shot ice up, which spiked into an ice chandelier, smaller than the one that collapsed and nearly killed me last time.  I created an ice sofa, coffee table, and bed.  The bed looked highly uncomfortable.  Looking down at my dress, I saw it was somewhat almost made of fabric and ice combined.  Maybe I could make a matress and blankets out of it, too.  Thinking of icy fabric, I shot ice out of my hands.  Sure enough, a mattress, blanket, and pillow had appeared.  I smiled, coming to the realization that I really could do more than I thought. 

The exhaustion set in and I climbed into my bed.  It wasn't bad, being made of ice and all.  And, of course, I didn't feel a thing.  The cold never botheried me anyways. 


Hiiiiiiiiiii so my Instagram is now @ frozen.vids.comics because I am making a comic on there!  It's pretty cool, check it out!  Anyways, I know the whole mattress deal isn't that realistic but she made a dress sooooo anything is possible.  I'm tired so short note.  Keep reading!


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