Chapter Ten

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The next day I visited Hans' cell.  I shouldn't have, and  I didn't want to.  But I felt like I needed to.  Through every hour and every minute of my work in the study, my mind was elsewhere.  When it wasn't drifting back to painful images of a bloody, broken Hans, my mind was drawn to Anna.  How she had basically given herself a death sentence and was now sitting on death row. 

My ice heels clicked down the stone steps into the dungeon.  I could barely see anything except the green glow in front of me from a guard's torch.  My heart was thumping so loud I was sure that the guard would be able to hear it.  But why was I nervous?  I had the power over Hans, I could sentence him to death in an instance. 

Again, I asked the guards to leave me alone in the dark, damp cell with the door closed.  "I can handle myself, thank you," I insisted.  They bowed before obeying my request. 

"Hello, Hans."  I stood as tall as I could with my head held high, making sure he knew who the boss was.  I wore the best dress I had, although I didn't want to impress him.  Well, I don't know.  Maybe a small part of me did want to impress him. 

It was a strapless, ice blue silk gown that flowed perfectly.  It had a floral lace pattern on the neckline and waistline.  The details were intricate, a beautiful pattern of silver and white that fit amazingly with the dress.  My hair was in it's iconic braid, and I wore a diamond necklace.  My makeup was done purple as usual, my lips a deep red. 

"Elsa," Hans said incredulously.  "I didn't think you'd come back."  I saw his eyes widen and a quiet intake of breath that didn't seem to be from amazement at my return.  I tried to conceal a blush.  No matter how much I disliked him, it was natural to feel your cheeks turn red if someone was looking at you like that.  Right? 

"Yeah, well I did," I said curtly. 

I realized Hans was in the same exact place that he sat last time I saw him; in the corner on the floor.  I doubted he had moved the whole day.  I looked at the stone floor and tried to hide my sympathy. 

I cleared my throat and said sharply, "Get off the floor."  Hans did not move.  He pulled his legs closer to his chest.  "I said, get off of the floor."  I packed my power into my voice, and the stubborn young man finally sighed and got to his feet. 

He was so wobbly and weak he could barely stand.  The first time he stood, he fell right back down.  The second time, he was a bit more stable, but only a little.  I wanted to rush to him and help him stand, but I knew I couldn't.  "Sit on the cot."   

He did as he was told, and I waved my hand, creating an ice chair directly across from where he sat.  It was nothing spectacular, not a throne or anything of the sort.  Just a chair.  I sat in it and looked expectantly at Hans, who did and said nothing.  His eyes were focused on his hands, which he fiddled with.  He looked beaten.  

"Why are you here?" Hans whispered after minutes of silence.  "You hate me.  Leave me to rot in this dark hell."  

There it was again.  The sympathy.  The empathy.  The man with the emerald green eyes and deep red hair with the bloodied and battered skin had let my emotions get the best of me.  And his sideburns were trimmed neatly as usual, but soft stuble was growing around his lips and chin.  He was filthy.  

"Would you like to clean yourself?" I asked him softly, ignoring his earlier remark.  "I'm sure living in a cell for a while without cleanse can do something horrific to yourself."  The words were out of my mouth before I knew it.  What had I done?  He was a prisoner, not a guest!  

Hans lifted his head, eyes wide.  "Really?"  For the first time I saw a little bit of shine enter his eyes.  "You'd let me do that?"  

Of course I couldn't say no.  


I visited him again that evening since I had left early to give him time to bathe.  When I entered the cell and closed the iron door behind me, I saw a fresher, brighter looking Hans.  There was a pail full of bubbly water in the corner of the cell.  

"You seem better," I commented, sitting on the chair I had made that morning.  It was as sturdy as ever; my ice never melted unless I commanded so.  "I see you've also been brought a change of clothes."  

Hans was dressed in a simple red shirt, the sleeves rolled up.  I couldn't help but notice his muscular forearms.  His hair was glossy again, but playfully messy.  He lay on the cot, arms crossed across his chest.  

"Yes," Hans replied.  "It's kind of you to allow me these privileges, Your Majesty."  

I tried to hide my surprise.  It was the first time he had called me a title without a sneer or snicker in his voice.  His face was serious, as I realized he could never smile again.  I didn't know what to say.  If I was harsh and told him to not get used to it, it would be the truth, but scalding.  If I told him that it was a pleasure or anything of the sort, he would think he had been granted a little bit of freedom.  

Instead of words, I just nodded.  

"What would you like to discuss?" Hans asked, leaning forward.  

I took a breath.  "D-Did you love my sister?"  I had waited to ask that question.  I wished he would say yes, that he and Anna had had something real and special.  I also wished he would say no, so that I knew the look we had once passed was real.  That glance of awe and wonder and excitement, the moment we had met eyes at my coronation party.  

Hans waited before he answered, thinking.  "I . . . I think I did.  Maybe.  I don't know."  He frowned.  "I guess I thought she was beautiful, and she was a princess.  A princess of the mighty kingdom, Arendelle.  Perhaps I was only in love with her title, Queen Elsa.  Perhaps I was in love with her.  I cannot tell you, nor myself.  That night is a complete blur that I try to shut out."  He closed his eyes regretfully.  "Does she . . . know I'm here?"  

I sighed.  "No.  You know as well as I do that she would keep a grudge and probably come out in the middle of the night to get revenge."  I said with light intentions, and added a bit of laughter to the tone, although I meant every word of it.  "Plus, she would never forgive me for not having you executed on the spot."  I could picture the argument in my head, the anger on my sister's face.  

Hans sighed.  "I tend to cause a lot of drama."  

My stomach began to feel nauseous and I felt dizzy.  My head was throbbing.  I was hot, although I knew I shouldn't be; it was cool in the underground cell.  It wasn't uncommon for me to face these symptoms periodically, it was part of my sickness.  The disease no one knew what was.  

"Are you okay, Queen Elsa?" Hans asked me.  "You look green."  

I held my stomach and took a breath.  "I-I'm . . . fine.  I'm fine."  

Hans' eyes widened and he crept to the edge of the cot.  "Are you sick?"  

I held my breath for ten seconds.  The naseau slowly went away, and I was left with only a dull pounding in my head.  "Actually . . . I am.  I have been for the past four or five months."  

I expected the red-haired man to edge away.  I was sick, naturally someone would back off, afraid of catching the disease.  But Hans came closer.  My mind was too fuzzy to think anything of it.  

"You've been sick for months?" Hans asked incredeously.  "What's wrong?"

I shook my head.  "I have no idea, and neither do the doctors.  I do know, however, that time is limited for my reign."  I stood up.  "I must rest.  I will visit you in a few days."  I exited the cell, leaving him with a shocked expression on his face.


Well, I changed my account!  It's fanficsamillion here!  Instead of doing just Frozen, this account will now be for any fanfic I wish to write!  I am currently developing a Harry Potter fanfiction and a Gone fanfiction.  I can't wait!


lol bai.

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