Chapter 6: Dilemma

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The party was scheduled for the next day. Everyone in school was excited about the party, after all, it was at Jason's. I still couldn't understand why was the party such a big deal for everyone. Everywhere I'd go I could only hear murmurs and gossips about Jason's party. Everyone was busy deciding what they were gonna wear and what was the gift they were gonna buy. Oh, wait, gift? I completely forgot about Jason's gift. What could I give him? I didn't even know him.

"So what are you planning to give him?" asked Logan.

"Thinking," I said.

"You are still thinking? I hope you remember that the party is tomorrow," exclaimed Logan.

"I don't even know him. So I don't know what he would like," I said, confused.

"Roni is gifting him a backpack worth 350, Thyra is gifting him a gaming console worth 400 and Hanna is gifting him a dinner set worth 300," said Logan.

"A dinner set? Lol," I said laughing away.

"This is not something to laugh about, Shyra. I'm telling you this to let you know the standard of the gifts everybody is giving him. You don't know Jason. He is from a very rich family. It is really difficult to impress them. Think about it," said Logan walking away.

She had a point. What could I possibly give him? I couldn't even buy my own dress. Now I knew why was his party given so much importance.

So I just sat down during lunch thinking about what I could possibly give him when Jason and his group entered the cafe. Jason saw me sitting alone and straight away started walking towards me.

"Can I join?" asked Jason pointing to the chair next to mine.

"Sure," I said.

"So excited for tomorrow?" I asked.

"Umm... Not really. I'm not into parties and stuff. It's just that my mom organises this whole party thing every year and I am forced to be a part of it," said Jason.

I didn't expect him to say something like this. Well, nobody would. Nobody really knew him. I realised that both of us were quite similar.

"Actually everyone in the school is talking about what they are gonna gift you. I have no idea what should I. What do you want?" I asked.

"Ugh... I'll be very honest with you. I don't want anything. I don't believe in these parties and the other formalities that come with it. Just bring yourself," he said, smiling away.

"Anyways see you tomorrow!" he said getting up.

"Yeah. See ya!" I said without removing my eyes from him.

I got to know a lot about him from the conversation we had. He indeed is a very straightforward and honest person. Everybody misunderstood him as a rich spoilt kid.

I reached home and lay on the bed, thinking about the conversation we had. I couldn't get my mind off his smile. Now the only thing I had to do was get permission to attend the party.

"Is the dinner ready?" I asked my grandma who was cooking in the kitchen.

"Almost done dear," she said.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you something," I said nervously.

"Sure my child," she said smiling. My grandma was the sweetest person alive. I was very sure she wouldn't stop me from going there.

"Umm... There is a party at Jason's tomorrow so, I was wondering if," I mumbled.

"Jason Williams?" she snapped.

"Umm... Yeah, him," I said.

"Well well well, I hope you know who they are," she said sighing.

"What do u mean grandma?" I asked.

"Well, Jason's father, Rick was the one with whom your dad had a joint business. After his death, your father lost everything because Rick transferred everything to his wife's name, Mellina. We are in loss, dear and, that family is responsible," she said in a sullen tone.

"Later when we asked Mellina to give us back our share, she refused. She denied the fact that Rick was working with your dad. Rick had destroyed all the documents that stated that your dad, John and he worked together. We were helpless and left with nothing," she said crying.

"Still,  if you want to go, I will not stop you dear. Just thought of letting you know," she added.

I had never seen tears in her eyes before. I was shocked. I felt helpless. I didn't know whether going there was the right thing to do knowing that his family had cheated us. Was Jason also like his parents? I was in a dilemma.

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