Day 4- Hannigram meets Solangelo

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My son. I have a special job for you. You must find out why a murderer that has fallen off a cliff, has not died yet. He landed somewhere along the Atlantic Ocean around where your house resides actually. This man is a cannibal who has eaten many people, a psychiatrist, and a surgeon. He's making my job so much harder and has to be stopped at all costs. Oh, and Nico don't forget to be polite. After all, the man's moto is, 'Eat the rude'

Yes, my Lord Hades. May I ask what his name is?

The Cannibal has been called by many names, like the Chesapeake Ripper for example, but his real name is Dr. Hannibal Lector.

. . .

Hannibal, how much longer till we get there?

Not very long, my Will. Just hold on to me for support. I know we have been on this beach couple of days, but we are a couple more minutes away from a cabin that a friend of mine owns. I am not letting you get away from me this easily again. Keep pressure on those wounds for me. We would have already made it, but today you were finally stable enough to move.

Okay, but wouldn't that friend be a little freaked out that we showed up to their door? I mean, you are a wanted asylum escape who is covered in blood while, I, am probably wanted by the police now also covered in blood.

Well not necessarily. Though I am not sure if he ever stocked up on supplies to clean out that head wound beforehand.

Meaning Oh come on! Please tell me you didn't eat him.

He tasted delicious in a teriyaki marinade.

So, your Dr. Hannibal Lector. A mysterious, yet formal voice states.

Who wants to know? Hannibal says getting into a fighting stance.

A seventeen-year-old boy who seems to just emerge from the shadows. He chuckles and replies, How rude of me, my apologies. My name is Nico di Angelo. Please to meet you. You both must exhausted. Follow me. Plus, I know a place with the supplies that you need.

Hannibal and Will share a look. With a nod they follow after the kid. After all, they can both take down the kid together if needed, right?

. . .

Here we are. Mi casa es su casa. Gentleman, welcome to my home.

The boy had led them to a large house deep within the woods that looks that it stood at least three stories tall. He opened that door to a grand living space decorated in black and gold. Pictures lined the walls of what looked to be family and friends including many of Nico with a cheery tan blond kid.

Well you must be exhausted. Just follow me to the living room that's this way.

Nico helped to properly dress Will's head wound and sat down across them.

Now that your both settled in I must confide in you. I did not realize that your boyfriend would be here, too, Dr. Lector. I was only supposed to talk to you to find out why you have not died. You fell from almost seven stories. I just need to know how you are still here.

Well Mr. di Angelo, I honestly do not know. All I remember is that when me and Will Graham here-.

Wait his name is Will Graham? Like the Will Graham, the F.B.I criminal investigator?

Yes, that would be me.

Well, very nice to meet you. My job is also quit similar to yours, too, but I can get into that later. Now please continue your retelling Dr. Lector.

Anyways, I could feel the air flowing past us as we fell to our inevitable deaths. I closed my eyes just wishing that Will would be okay while finding comfort in his arms, then I blacked out. Next thing I know is that I woke up perfectly fine laying next to Will on the beach. He was still bleeding from his head wound, somewhat, so I had to stay and stabilize the bleeding. After a couple of days, we left our little bit of shelter and now you know the rest.

Why thank you Dr. Lector. Now Will, can you give me your side of the story.

Okay, I'll tell you what I remember. We were falling and all I could think was that I could not keep living with Hannibal, but I could not live without him. I was hoping that we would both die together in each others arms and the hunt would be over. Instead, in a flash of pink light, we were transported along the shore of the beach, then I also passed out from exhaustion and blood loss. That's all I can remember besides when I woke up and Hannibal carried me.

Hannibal you said that even though that you couldn't make it, you wished Will would be safe correct?

Yes, Mr. di Angelo.

And Will you said that you couldn't keep living without Hannibal and you couldn't live without him, correct

Why yes, and your point is Nico?

Am I correct in assuming that you both would be thinking this at the same time before the point that the flash of light teleports you somewhere else?

I suppose. And?

At those words, Nico swiftly stands up.

Oh, gods darn it!!!! Of course, Aphrodite and her SHIPS!!! First, she almost ruins the lives of Percabeth, then my own relationship. Now, she has to mess with the emotions of these two!! Fate had already planned for them to die in the ocean in each others arms. No, she has gone too far...

Hannibal frowned because throughout his complains, the boy was switching between Italian, what sounded like Chinese, English, Latin, and one very old form of Greek. Ow could someone who was so you switch between so many different languages, with a perfect accent on each?

What kind of form of Greek were you speaking and isn't Latin a dead language? Just who are you Mr. di Angelo?

Why Dr. Lector, I thought you spoke Italian, so what does my name mean Hannibal?

It means either Victor of Angels or the Angel of Death.

At the translation, his blood ran cold. Now all he was telling him made sense. Between Aphrodite and his job being similar to Will's. He knew this was coming and he was prepared to make a deal already. He had to save Will. He was about ready to propose the deal when Will cut him off.

Don't even think about it Hannibal. If you leave, then I would leave very soon after. This is my choice. I won't leave you. Didn't you promise me earlier that you wouldn't leave me again? Not ever. I love you Hannibal. No matter what I do, you are always on my mind. I already made my choice by dragging you off that cliff. Now let's do the right thing.

So, are you both ready?

The all joined hands and melted into the shadows together. Hannibal and Will, will never get to see the sun again, but at least they were together.

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