Day 6- Gloria Gleeful Ruins the Future

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A fifteen-year-old little blond girl stumbles through the woods in Gravity Falls, Oregon. This place gives her the creeps. Gloria has seen many weird things in her lifetime, but Gravity Falls was by far the top of her list. She never used to believe in the weird or unusual even though the rest of her family Ever since she moved to Gravity Falls she has seen things that she couldn't believe. She knows she isn't crazy for swearing to have seen magical creatures. Whenever she brings it up with the rest of her family, they just ignore her and act like she is. Even her cousin Gideon won't explain it to her, but he at least doesn't deny it. Her shelter anymore is the woods. Where everything is peculiar, but it is the only possible place for her to get any answers about the mysterious town.

Every step though the forest makes her feel like she is being watched. Every shadow seems to creep ever closer to her, but at least they are better than the odd looks she receives from the towns people. The whispers about the new girl that asks too much.

Here is Gloria now with her daily routine. Moving branches, pushing through the bushes, and trying to find place that she can get some answers or at least try to think.

Finally, after what seems like hours she finds what she was looking for. What better place to think than the largest tree that she has ever seen?

She sits down on the grass of the clearing, resting her head against the trunk of the tree while thinking about all that she has experienced so far.

She swears to have seen gnomes, unicorns, some weird looking shadowy figure that reminds her of slender man, and a bear with multiple heads. The creepiest figure of all that she came across would be the old crumbing statue. It was of a triangle wearing a top hat with a bow tie. The weird part was that it seemed to be extending its hand as though to make some sort of deal. As she had stared at it, the wind seemed to whisper his name. Bill Cipher. It was the closest that Gloria had ever gotten to a name the entire time she was here. Gideon gets all nervous and sweaty, then refuses to answer what it stands for whenever I asked who Bull Cipher is. He must be important, and she needed to know why.

While lost in thought, she hears a growl coming from her left. Slowly lifting her head, Gloria glances to see what the sound is. Four pairs of glowing eyes shine back at her, so she does what seems the most logical at the time. She climbs the tree. Gloria raced as fast as she could through the branches trying to escape the glowing eyes that seem to follow her, but they just seemed to creep closer. As a rash decision, she climbs into an upcoming hole in the side of a tree big enough to fit her. Once inside, she tries to steady her racing heart. Then, she hears metal clanging followed by being washed into complete darkness

Welcome to F&M's time machine. Please state your name and when you want to go. Warning, only a test run. Can only bring you back to times within your lifetime otherwise there will be consequences, An electronic voice asks her.

My name is Gloria Gleeful. I When should she go? It could be anytime at all.

That same voice again from the forest clearing whispers, Bill Cipher has all the answers...

I want to go to the last known sighting of Bill Cipher.

. . .

Groaning, Gloria rubs her eyes against the light coming from outside. She climbs her way down the tree. Coming from a little way over she hears footsteps. After following where it leads, her heart aches at the sight. What looks like a little twelve-year-old girl is curled up crying her eyes out on the forest floor. Even though comforting people is NOT her strong suit. How much harm can she do?

Hey, what's wrong?

Who-o a-ar-are you?

My name is Gloria. I just moved to Gravity Falls a few days ago. Yours?

I'm Ma-Mabel. Why are you here?

I honestly don't know. Where is Bill? It was supposed to take me to him. I saw you crying. I wanted to help. So, what's got you so down?

Brothers, leaving, and separation.

I can relate to you there. I have a younger cousin and brother that are really annoying. My brother and I were so close back in Tennessee. When, we moved here he got to hang out with our younger cousin and his friends. With the two-year difference, they became basically joined at the hip. While I never really made any friends, he gained popularity. I felt as if I was replaced, but at the end of the day, he still has m back. He always made sure to try to include me in the group or make time just for me. What I am trying to say is that, I don't know what you guys are specifically fighting about, but just remember. Even though that things are changing, I know that your brother will be there for you. Because on the way I see it, you two really care for one another, and that will never change.

With a sniffle she said thanks. Gloria talked to her for a while about sweaters and such. Until a wear chubby man with a toupee showed up.

Mabel, it's me Blendin. I need your help. There is this snow globe looking device that the time police needs. If they don't get it, the entire universe is at stake.

Gloria fixed her gaze on Blendin. He seemed kind of strange. Like a puppet being pulled by strings. She whispered in Mabel's ear, Should we trust this guy? He seems kind of... off?

Yeah I am not so sure either. Last time I saw him, he wanted to kill us. So, I guess I will see you later at my B-Day party right, Gloria?


Unknowing to Gloria, she just changed the course of events for the future. Ruining the rise of Weirdmageddon and the fall of Bill Cipher. At least for now.

After Mabel left, Gloria faced a very furious looking baby-faced man.

Now why did you have to go and do that? I have waited and ETERNITY for this moment, Gloria Gleeful and you had to got and throw away all my HArDwOrk!!

Everything surrounding Gloria turns black and white. It was as if time stops and out comes the triangle demon himself.

In shock and in awe, Gloria manages to stutter out his name. Bill Cipher.

Yep that's the name, don't wear it out. Now why did you have to let her get away? You just ruined the best party that never stops. When time would have become dead and meaning has no meaning. Existence is upside down and I would have reigned supreme. My once and a life time chance to connect the chaos with the order. Where the veil of the supernatural would have fallen. Where-

Hold on their Dorito dude. I only came here for answers. I don't care about your doomsday plans because in my future you are just a statue. Now tell me about the veil of the supernatural and what specifically are you?

The veil is what separates the people from everything weird including me. That's why you ar in the mindscape, Gleeful. Everyday that veil tries to fall, but with that rift. I was trying to make the transition better. Trust me. You would rather have me as a leader than some of the other guys back home.

So, I wasn't crazy, unless this is all just a figment of my imagination.

It is real, but thanks for making me not make that deal. Otherwise, according to what you said, it would end up badly for me. Now you might want to leave before you keep ruining fate.

One more thing, what year is it? I want to know how far back I have gone in order to go home.

You left for four years.

Thanks, all seeing demon.

No problem kid. An eye for an eye. A life for a life, right?


Everything faded back into color. At least that weird conversation was over. Plus, I wonder how my family is doing right now.

With that, she made her long faithful journey back to the time machine. Upon arriving home, she realized that maybe she should have let the little girl cry.

Because now, she has no home to ever go back to. Thanks to the one name that started the whole thing.

Bill Cipher.

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