Day 5- Screaming Death

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Day 1: January 7, 2023

Dear Diary,

My name is Nico di Angelo. My boyfriend, Will, bought me this as a gift over the holidays to use as I pleased. I decided to write down what is going on in my life as a demigod. You can never know what is going to happen next. Nothing has really happened lately, but I just thought I should try out this writing thing and see what happens. Will's coming soon. I should get ready. I have an extra special dinner planned for tonight. I am taking him out to our favorite restaurant. Then, after dessert I have a special gift for him in the form of a ring contained in a little felt box in my pocket. I can't wait. I hope he says yes. Got to go now.

Day 8: January 23, 2023

Dear Diary,

Will has become extra busy in the infirmary. Ever since Kayla came back from her quest with an infected wound in her shoulder she has been really sick. Other people seem to be not feeling the greatest either, so the infirmary has become overcrowded lately. No body can tell the cause of what is happening. I hope everything can get better soon. I miss him. I never really get to see much of my fiancé anymore and I hope that whatever this is, ends soon.

Day 22: February 13, 2023

Dear Diary,

23. 23 people have died at camp over the past 3 days. No one knows what the particular cause is. But, the result is always the same. It always starts as a simple cold or the flu. Afterward, you start to experience dizziness, vomiting, and headaches. Those develop into aching pains which worsen into becoming paralyzed from the waist down. After you run a high fever along with cold sweats while your head is pounding, your heart will clench filling you with pain causing you to scream till your lungs give out along with your heart. We call it the screaming death. Once you get it, you won't make it through the week. We have no cause or reason as to why people get it. No one is safe. Even the mortals are being affect by it, too. Someone has angered someone higher up and I guess is that it is our turn to pay. I don't know when I can document next. Wish me luck.

Day 30: September 6, 2023

Dear Diary,

Annabeth, Will, Jason, Dakota, Frank, Piper, Percy, and now Hazel. Every single one of them gone. Some of the strongest heroes in history have fallen. Not to monsters or armies. But to a freaking disease!

What did we do wrong?

How could this have happened?

Why couldn't it be me?

Everyday I ask these questions with no answer. No where is safe and Olympus is closed. No one will help those that are left. Suspicions are high because no one knows who has it. Even with just a cough or sneeze, and people freak out. Everything is in chaos with no idea when this madness will be over. If only we had a cure.

I ended up setting out to try to find any help that I can. I am alone. I already tried to shadow travel to the underworld trying to get help from my father to no use. Hades already told me that he doesn't know either, but he could feel the unexplainable force causing this outbreak. He told me that there still are trapped gods left on earth that might have some idea on how to stop the disease. He feared for my safety, but I was just as scared because I figured out why Olympus has closed. When I left my Father sneezed and blew his nose, but immortal beings don't get sick. Then again, that's how it always starts.

Day 42: Sometime in Autumn

Dear Diary,

As the days go by, the leaves have begun to fall. I have lost track of the days that I have been alone. Every day I shadow travel as far as I can to try to find any sign of civilization. The last place I went to, didn't end well. What few friends I have made I had lost in a few days, but I am used to it by now. I feel hollow inside and lose everyone I am around. At least I can take the information I gained and try to find my last hope that the god, Asclepius is still alive. The last that anyone has seem of him is somewhere in Europe. Tomorrow I plan on shadow traveling there. It's all I have left. All I can do is try to convince a god to help save what is left of the human race. Sounds easy enough right?

Day 50: Winter

Dear Diary,

This is my last entry. The last page of my last gift from Will. The last thing from my old life and the old Nico.

My search was all for nothing. I found the last reminder of the immortal son of Apollo, Asclepius yesterday. What sliver of hope I had left while looking for him has vanished from existence. I am back to square one as of now on who could I look for, for help. Anymore walking down, the street, it is more common to see a couple bodies rather than a live person. I used to prefer it this way almost a year ago, but now I just miss the company that the living could only provide. Until the snow ceases to fall, will I have enough energy to shadow travel away without fading into shadows.

I don't know how long I will last in this messed up world, but I know that I am not scared for death he will come for me eventually. If he isn't scared, then why should I be? I don't know what I will find now when I die, but I hope that I will be happy and at peace.

For now, it will just me and my thoughts.

Until it is my turn.

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