Summer camp....

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Lucy only said yes to marrying Sting straight away because she knew Natsu and lisanna were probably married and living the life with each other with children the thought pained Lucy  she couldn't help but say yes to she could forget she just wants to pain to go away she wants to forget that fateful day that drove her out of Magnolia and away from her first love Natsu Dragneel.


Lucy was at the Park with her aunt Mira and they  were discussing about the plan and what to do next. The children at the park were talking about something interesting  "OH MY GOD I'M SOO EXCITED FOR SUMMER CAMP THIS YEAR!" one girl says happily on the swing "YASS WE GET TO SEE MISS LUCY HEARTFILIA AGAIN!" one boy says fist pumping the air excitedly "YAY!" All the kids at the park scream happily in sync.

 Lucy and Mira looked at each together and smirked "you know what this means...NALUUU!" They both said in sync as they squealed. All the children were staring at them like what the hell?  "GO BACK TO WHAT YOU WERE DOING!" Lucy screams at them glaring at them they all shivered and immediately went back to what they were doing. 

Mira was laughing at how bossy Lucy acted "You're exactly  like your mother.." Mira says as she tears up. Lucy hugs her and they stay like that for 2 mins "We need to go to that summer camp auntie Mira for mommy.." Lucy says smiling sadly "B-but will dad allow it?.." Lucy asks Mira unsurely "I'm sure he'll allow it.." Mira says sighing.

Mira and Lucy head back to the Dragneel household they get home and see Natsu playing basketball alone Lucy remembers reading in the letter that Natsu always played basketball with Lucy Heartfilia she sighed and decided to play basket ball with her father she attempted to get a hoop but failed. Natsu and Mira laughed at this "Daddy can i go to summer camp please?" Lucy asks randomly with a smile.

"Why?" Natsu asks looking confused  "Because all of my friends are going" Lucy says with puppy dog eyes as she begs more "No." Natsu says not even looking at her.  "Pleaseeee please!" Lucy begs some more "NO!!!" Natsu snaps as he pants angrily his eyes go soft as he slowly approaches Lucy but she  flinches and runs to her room while crying into a photo of her mom "Great job.." Mira mumbles sarcastically to Natsu as she goes after her niece.

" Mira mumbles sarcastically to Natsu as she goes after her niece

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"Mommy...  daddy was being very mean to me" Lucy says talking to the picture as she sighs Natsu walks in and "Sorry baby i didn't  mean to snap at you.." Natsu says frowning as he sits on his daughters bed caressing her head "Its alright daddy" she says hugging her dad tightly and n "This doesn't mean your going to  the summer camp.." Natsu says sternly  "UGH!"  LUCY screams into her pillow. 

Natsu laughs and leaves her room "Just let her go to the summer camp Natsu..." Mira says crossing her arms "No Mira...she's not going to that summer camp and that's final" Natsu says assertively. Mira pouts and goes back to her guest room. she sighs and decides to head to Lucy's room "Psst Lucy i have plan we will pack up and leave to go to the summer camp ourselves" Mira says smirking and silently squealing or squealing as quietly as she could. When Lucy heard that she squealed in excitement "SHHHH" Mira shushes he  they quickly pack then go back to bed to prepare themselves for tomorrow. 

(A/N  hope you guys enjoy this story because honestly i enjoy writing this)

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