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Lucy and Sting make it to the Heartfilia mansion and they inform Layla to arrange their wedding for tomorrow immediately. At first Layla was like "What no are you crazy?!" Layla yells at Lucy in shock "PLEASE MOM" Lucy begs "Fine.." she agreed after a while of arguing and begging Sting nods and him and Lucy walk off.


Natsu woke up and he was still Heartbroken he didn't know love could hurt so much. He barely slept last night he couldn't help but think about Luce. and her beautiful curves and her beautiful smile and they way they danced together in the rain and how soft her lips were Natsu smiled to his self but then he remembered they way Lucy got into Sting's car and left him..again he cried..he hasn't cried since Lisanna's  death.

His daughter Lucy woke up and  she saw her dad crying and hugged him "Daddy i have a plan.."Lucy Dragneel says showing him the invitations to Sting and Lucy's wedding which is tomorrow. He cries even more "NO don't cry daddy its a chance we can stop the wedding!" His daughter shouts in determination. Natsu looks at the invitation again with hope in his eyes. "MIRA!! DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR CAR??" He shouts "YEAH WHY?" Mira shouts back confused "WE NEED TO GO TO THE HEARTFILIA MANSION NOW!!!" he shouts determined as he fixes his spikes. 

"ROGER THAT" she says smirking as they all pack their things and make their way to the Fiore city. Mira says  "WAIT let's go shopping first!" Mira blurts as she drives to the mall dragging Natsu and his daughter  with her Mira gives Natsu a suit and says "Wear this" Mira says sternly  "B-but i'm not the one getting married.." Natsu says sighing "YES YOU ARE!" Mira shouts in dark voice Natsu and His daughter shiver "YES MA'AM" they shout getting into the clothing Mira picked out for them and they head to Heartfilia mansion.

Lucy sighs as she walks downstairs to see a bunch of people congratulating her on her marriage and her choice and telling her how lucky she was to be marrying Sting. She didn't feel that way at all she wanted to be with Natsu but she didn't want to feel that pain she felt ten years ago back when they were in high school she wanted to forget him and his handsome fanged grin and spiky pink hair and cute face and his retarded ways.

Lucy runs back upstairs feeling overwhelmed as she slams the door shut panting and leaning on the door and sliding down as tears stream down her face she recalls Natsu's heartbroken face and how much she hurt him she made him feel the way she felt on that fateful day she had to leave Magnolia and run away from her problems.

A bunch of ladies barge into Lucy's room and get her ready for the wedding she sighs and just lets them get it over with she wants to get this over and done with so she can forget her first love for good and never let her guard down again. Sting approaches Layla downstairs "Hey Layla..I have a feeling Lucy doesn't love me..." He says frowning Layla smiles at him sadly and doesn't answer him as she walks off and talks to some random Ladies.

"She didn't answer..." Sting mumbles as he sits down at the bar and downs a shot of vodka hissing as he leans his head on the counter. Suddenly he thinks of a certain beautiful silver haired woman he met in London he smiles to himself feeling slightly better but then he frowns again remembering he's getting married to someone who doesn't love him and someone he might not love anymore.

Back to the Dragneels

"Mira i'm not sure anymore.." Natsu says feeling a bit nervous to be going to The mansion where the love of his life will be getting married to someone else who isn't him. "Don't worry Natsu things will go your way..i have a feeling.." Mira says smiling brightly "Yeah!" his daughter screams excitedly Natsu smiles  "If you say so" Natsu says feeling better.

They make it to Fiore right on time for the wedding they meet up with the former principal of fairy tail high Ben strauss "Hey dad" Mira says kissing her dad on the cheek Natsu's daughter lucy jumps into her grandpa's arms "Hey gramps!" She yells happily he smiles "Hey you ready?" he asks to make sure "Duh!" they all scream in sync expect for Natsu cause he was nervous to see Lucy he doesn't know what to say but never the less they all headed prepared to see Lucy.

Some things change in the Heart (Edited)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora