Jeff's Real Personality (Headcanon)

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A/N: Credit to the artist. It's brilliant.

As you may remember from his story Jeff the killer believes he kills because he is saving his victims from the cruel world. In other words, he thinks he is doing it for a "good cause". Of corse, he is wrong. Jeff was not born a psychopath and he still can feel empathy on very small circumstances. For an example, he is able to take care of his  dog, and he prefers not to kill children and animals because he believes they are not the ones doing harm. But be warned, this makes him even more dangerous because he doesn't need a break, like many non-fiction serial killers, because to him, killing is not a crime. He thinks killing is helping others. So for all the obsessed teenagers, let it go, he's ruthless. A/N: I don't like using the word "fangirl" because I'm a fan of creepypasta, and I'm a girl. I don't know when this became a bad thing but I love the trilling stories and their characters but I'm not in fucking love with them. Thank you. So, in many stories, Jeff is either this total grump or Mr. Joker Wannabe Laughs a'lot. In reality his personality changes along with his emotions because he is bipolar. However, he personality can be broken down into a very loud and ruthless character. He speaks his opinion without hesitation, and as mistaken by many, he has a very interrogating tone rather than interrogated. A/N: Take this to note fan-fiction writers, I have nothing against you but just take this to note.

Jeff is like a taco. He's pretty fuckin crusty on the outside, but on the inside, he isn't all that bad. 

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