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Chapter Two: I Run To You

Michael sat at the kitchen table of his friend's house, fingers drumming rhythmically against the cleaned white marble surface as a clock ticked in the distance. Soft snoring could be heard every now and again through the silence within the home; though often the outside world would provide a chorus of sounds to interrupt the peace.

In front of him sat a half drunk cup of coffee, the other half dull and cold from having been sat untouched for just over an hour since its creation. He sighed, taking his phone from his back pocket upon feeling it vibrate roughly against his skin through the hard black denim he wore.

Ripped at the knees, his jeans were tattered and worn enough to look as though they had been bought that way and it wasn't because he couldn't be bothered to go clothes shopping through his usually busy schedule.

Gazing at his phone, he slid the green button across the screen and held the device up to his ear to respond to the call.

"Hey, what's up?" He greeted the ID of Calum Hood.

"Are you busy tonight?" Calum replied.

Michael boredly gazed up at the ceiling, eyebrows creasing at the sight of green and black coloured mould saturating itself around the ventilation fan above the oven. He pulled himself back from his thoughts, briefly making a mental note to check the local hardware store for some advice and equipment he could use to clean the mess.

"Not that I know of, but things could change. Why?"

"It's my day off tomorrow, was wondering if you'd be up to get a drink with me?" Calum asked, hope in his voice as he did so.

Michael internally groaned, giving an external sigh. "You always drink too much..."

"I promise I won't. I just... I need a drink. You know?" Calum awkwardly cleared his throat, his light-tone trying to ease the oncoming tension. "Something to relieve the stress of work."

"I dunno, Cal... I should probably get some sleep tonight..."

"Please?" Calum begged. "It's my only day off in an entire week. I'd love to spend some time with my best friend. We hardly ever get to chat."

Michael dropped his forehead into the palm of his free hand, his elbow propped up on the table-top as he let out another heavy sigh. "You'll only have one or two drinks?"


"Alright..." Michael gave in easily, not wanting to upset his friend by declining the offer. "What time did you want to meet up?"


"I'll see you at seven tonight then-"

"Wait, but I didn't even tell you what bar we're going to?"

"It's always the same place isn't it?" Michael asked, words forming into a rhetorical question rather than a response that needed an answer.

"It is?"

He clenched his eyes shut, taking a brief moment to collect himself and his thoughts before speaking back. "I'll see you at the Le-Va Monte tonight, yeah? I gotta go get some breakfast, talk later?"

"Yeah! Sounds great! Thank you so much, it'll be great to see you-"

Michael took his phone from his ear, sliding his thumb to hit the end-call button and disconnect their conversation. He carelessly let his phone drop to the hard surface of the table, watching it land with a clatter onto its screen before the house was plunged back into its serene quietness.

Fallen [Malum+Mashton/Cake] ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن