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Chapter Fourteen: Love Lost Found

Michael lay awake, eyes staring at the ceiling above him as he remained rested under the mess of blankets on his bed; Ashton's body curled into his side with his head on Michael's chest and an arm lazily thrown over his waist as he slept.

The night lingered as the moon continued its travels through the sky beyond the open window at Michael's side.
It was calmer in his own home, less fear dwelled inside of him; imaginings of death and violence knocking on Ashton's door disappearing as the knowledge that his place was fairly safe. Definitely safer than Ashton's had ever been.


"Move in with me." Michael randomly suggested, unpacking groceries into his kitchen cupboards with Ashton trying his best to help; even though he could barely reach anything or carry anything heavier than a carton of milk.

Ashton paused, having put the bread into the pantry. "With you? ...As in here?"

"Mm. I think it would be a good idea. Take you away from that house, your dealers-"

Ashton grimaced, and Michael gave him a shy smile as he added "make it easier for me to contact you."

That made Ashton smile with a blush. "Wouldn't I be in the way?"

"Not a chance." Michael insisted, crossing the threshold of the kitchen and calmly grasping Ashton's hands in his own; hoping the man would think his suggestion was a good idea. "I really love your company, Ash."

"You do?"

"You make me feel human." Michael explained, emotionally serious. "You're there when I need you and... I know you're not always okay but you help me. You really help me."

"But how? I-" Ashton shook his head in disbelief. "I just make things worse-"

"You held me when I cried." Michael spoke quieter, scared of his own mind taking over and bringing him to tears. He took his hands away, wrapping them around himself and letting his gaze drop to the floor as anxiety ran marathons along his nerves. "It's stupid but... you make me feel safe, I guess."

"Safe..." Ashton tested the word, letting it fall from his lips.

"Like... Like Calum can't get me when you're around." Michael was in tears as he admitted his thoughts to the older male, looking up and feeling nothing but guilt when Ashton's expression visibly faltered in shock and upset. "I'm s-sorry. I shouldn't have said anything-"

Ashton grabbed his hands, tugging them away from his stomach and holding them in his own comforting grasp. "I will."

"Will what?"

"I'll stay here... I'll m-move here. Get-Get rid of my home." Ashton gave him a shaky smile, desperate to see Michael smile back. "It'll be like a sleep over."

Michael gave a small, almost timid smile, only to make way for a hopeful blush when Ashton kissed his cheek.

"I remember our sleep overs." Ashton innocently smiled, happy with his memories. "You'd always wrap me in the sleeping bag every t-time I didn't play FIFA."

Michael chuckled with pure amusement. "You hated the game, but Cal never played with me."

Ashton giggled. "It was such a crappy game."


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