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Chapter Sixteen: Hello, Welcome Home

"Can't you leave me alone?" Michael held his hand on the handle of his front door; pained gaze locked on Calum's figure standing on his front porch. "Why won't you leave me alone?"

"Because I need you, Michael." Calum miserably said. "I need you so much-"

"You hurt me!" Michael exasperated. "Why can't you see that?! You. Hurt. Me!"

"I didn't mean t-"

"Go! Get out! Stay away from me!" Michael screamed, anger and heartbreak radiating from his words as he strained not to collapse in tears.


"I'll—I'll call the police!" Michael threatened, shaking. "I'll tell them what you did to me!"

"You wanted it!" Calum exclaimed, hands curling into tight fists.

"No I didn't!" Michael sobbed, hand clutching his mobile tightly. "I never wanted it. You never take no as an answer, you just take what you want and that's it-"

"Let me make it up to you." Calum tried sweet talking, biting his tongue as best he could when he saw Ashton quietly come and stand behind Michael.

A hand touched Michael's back as a form of comfort and Calum wanted to rip them both apart. Ashton had broken him, and yet now when he begged for Michael's help—begged for someone who was supposed to be his best friend, his everything—Michael had the audacity to push him away? How could he?! After all they had been through together he would still pick the drug addicted freak over him?

"No." Michael tried to stand strong. "I don't want to see you anymore, Calum. I can't stand to even look at you anymore."

"I thought you were supposed to be my friend?" Calum took the guilt trip path, and Michael's heart broke.

"I thought you were supposed to be mine." Came the broken man's response. "But you hurt me. What you've done is unforgivable, I—I can't escape it."

Michael couldn't look at the man anymore, broken flower crowns laying amongst shattered glass and broken frames that once held beautiful childhood memories.
"I can't get you out of my head... Your hands, your touch... It repulses me."

Calum stared in shock at Michael's words, unsure of what he could potentially say in response to such darkness flowing from Michael's mouth. The man had always been so strong and yet now he was falling apart.

"I hate my own body because of you." Michael's arms wrapped shamefully around himself. "You took everything..."

"Michael, I'm so sorry." Calum could feel pain and he hated it. He hated the feeling he had caused. "I don't know what came over me... I just had—I just had to have you, I needed you. I love you."

"Do you even hear yourself?" Ashton stood tall, glaring at the man he knew he'd broken as a carefree teenager. "You're disgusting. You don't know what love is."

It was Calum's turn to hurt, fists curled and eyes glossed with agony he continued to harbour for years behind foggy windows to his darkened soul. "No I don't. Because someone took that from me."

"But everyone forgets." Calum's voice cracked. "Everyone forgets what you did to me, and now I'm the bad guy-"

"You raped him!" Ashton exploded, and Michael began to sob; curling away from the two men. "Twice!"

"I said I'm sorry!"

"Like that makes a difference." Ashton seethed. "You're a pig. A disgusting pig. I never loved you, so what? It's true, I'd rather shoot poison into my body than listen to you rant about some stupid fucking flower crown you made, or some rotten song you thought would make me like you. I hated you then and I hate you now."

"What did I do...?" Calum whimpered. "Before everything, before the hurt... What did I do?"

Ashton hesitated, and he took a moment to think truly about what Calum had asked.

"Nothing." Ashton finally admitted. "You did nothing..."

"You turned me into a monster!"

"No, Calum. You did that on your own." Ashton bluntly said. "You could've left me. You should've. But you didn't, you got violent and cruel. You turned yourself into a bastard!"

"Did you ever think maybe I just wanted you to love me again?" Calum despairingly questioned, begging for answers as the glass began to pour down upon them.

"How could I love you again when I didn't to begin with?" Ashton heartlessly shot back, watching the way Calum's entire being slunk into despair before his own eyes. "Your sister had what I wanted."

Calum spared a glance into the sad green eyes that were cautiously watching him. "And you call me the monster?"

"He's right." Michael quietly said. "You turned yourself into one..." He grabbed Ashton's hand, and Calum hated the way love glistened in Ashton's eyes towards the man as he did.

He wasn't sure how long he stood out the front of Michael's home, door having been slammed shut in his face in order to silence the heart wrenching conversation.
All of his anger boiled inside of him, begging to be released when he got home. Begging for knuckles to bruise and furniture to break apart against the body of a poor blond.

When he got home, he called for Luke. He shouted and screamed for his blond boyfriend, and when searching all Luke's hiding spots in the house gave him nothing he began to panic. Luke would never leave the house, he was always too afraid, too paranoid to do so.

He grabbed his phone, knowing that Luke was worth the humiliation as he texted Michael that the blond was missing. He was scared, terrified he'd lost his only anchor in the world. He had used him, abused him, taken him for granted, and now that the chance he had lost Luke was now lingering in the air he finally regretted having ever laid that first malicious hand on Luke's body.

He didn't love the blond, he loved the company, he loved the chance to unleash his anger, but he knew that Luke didn't deserve it. The sweet beautiful boy didn't deserve his madness. Luke didn't deserve the anger Calum felt towards the love he'd lost on Ashton and the love he'd had broken from Michael.

Luke deserved an angel who cared for him, praised him and brought him from the depths of sorrow that Calum had tried to drown him in.

He sent another text to Michael, saying he would search for the blond even if neither Ashton or Michael cared to help, and with that he was out of the house once more. His heart was racing, eyes watering with woeful tears as he clutched his phone with a picture of Luke on it; begging people to tell him where the beautiful boy had gone.
No one could tell him. No one knew. No one even recognised Luke.

What had he done?

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