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Chapter Nine: Violent Heart, Soft Mask

People often say there cannot be light without darkness, and--in a way--they're right. It seems as though the good things in life come hand-in-hand with the bad. You can't truly have love without lust, there will always be that magnetic pull dragging you closer and closer into a swirl of desire. You'll drown in a pool of red rose petals, sinking further and further into its depths with the sway of rich chocolate coaxing you through its melting streams flowing along the petals.

It'll glide over your fingers, dancing its patterns over your naked skin as the rose petals caress your slow-falling body on its descent into madness. Lust is a sin that drives a human to stoop to levels so low that they end up crawling on their hands and knees towards the darkness. It's a fiery drop into Hell, a long fall that will leave you breathing fire with each breath you take, and though you may drink from the fountain it will be too late when you realise you had been stealing water from the Fountain of Youth; driving your manic senses into chaos as the world grows old without chivalry.

It's a world of madness that only few can survive. While the others are left to drown in a serenity that encompasses their minds.


Ashton brought the car to a park, shutting the engine off and taking out the keys from the ignition once he was satisfied with the vehicle's settlement within Michael's drive-way. He got out, sparing not even a second's worth of a glance to the stars that twinkling like burning out hope above him in a sky of mysterious darkness.

His hands pulled open the back door, gently moving to nudge Michael awake with a voice softly coaxing the younger male back to life from nightmares that ran like clockwork within his head; hidden from the world and silenced by his demons that clutched his throat.

"C'mon, Mikey." Ashton unbuckled Michael's seatbelt as the man slowly came to a groggy awakening.

Eyes blinking and hands moving to rub them awake, Michael let out a few incoherent grumblings before finally focussing on Ashton's figure standing by the car waiting for him. "Did I fall asleep?"

"Only for a couple minutes." Ashton replied, easing Michael out of the car and passing over the man's keys to him before shutting the car door for him. He flashed a small but tender smile. "You're peaceful when you sleep."

Michael playfully shook his head with a quiet chuckle, moving towards his front door with Ashton trailing contently behind him. "Whatever you say."

Ashton grinned, amused as he waited for Michael to unlock his front door and step inside. The man switched on the lights, silently glad he had left his windows and curtains shut from the last time he had been home.

"Did you want a-" Michael yawned "-drink or something?"

"Water would be great." Ashton accepted the offer as Michael dumped his wallet, phone and keys on the lounge room coffee table. "I can get it." He offered. "You can go for a shower and sleep-"

"I'm-" another yawn "-I'm fine. S'fine."

Ashton shook his head, grinning as he teasingly pulled Michael's arm and tugged the man away from the kitchen; nudging him with a push towards the hallway where his bedroom and bathroom lay in wait. "Go to sleep~!"

"No~!" Michael laughed, turning back to Ashton. "I said I'm good, a little longer won't hurt."

"No." Ashton pouted. "Go sleep."

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