Chapter Eleven

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Preparation. That's all that matters in the days ahead.

Preparation for the worst case scenario, Gryphon's death. Preparation for a future together. Preparation for Playlist Live.

Toby bought tickets for Playlist months ago, but with Gryphon being in the state he's in, he's seriously considering staying. I insist he should go, constantly arguing with him about arrangements.

"Toby Joe Turner, you are going to Playlist, so help me."

"Cassie, I can't just forget about my dog that currently has a cancerous disease! I'm not that bad of a person."

"But what about the Audience?!"

"I care about Gryphon more, Cass."

Speaking of Gryphon, he's been in the ICU since the night we got the news of his disease. Nevertheless, the doctors are persistent in healing him, and we've gotten good reports so far. Apparently the tumors are shrinking, but they're telling us we shouldn't get our hopes up quite yet. We do anyway.

Eventually Toby agrees to go to Playlist, reluctantly, to say the least. He constantly complains about leaving and begs me to go with him, but we both know the tickets are sold out.

"I can get them to make an exception," He whines, but I shut him up with logic. He normally tries to use his charm and maybe a little seduction to try to win, but it has little to no effect on me. I know his game. Once he tackled me with kisses and cuddles on the couch, only to whisper his repetitive question into my ear afterwards.

"Will you come to Playlist with me? I don't know what I'll do without my Cassie there." He complained. I laughed and pushed him off of me, shaking my head.

"Toby, you know I can't come. So stop taunting me." I rolled my eyes, and he pouted, arms crossed. I tried to stay short with him, but I couldn't stay away from that cute expression. It hurt.

I slid over to him, then planted a kiss on his lips and lied my head in his lap. He poked my nose. "You're a cute little nugget, you silly." He laughed, and I smiled, closing my eyes.

That happened two weeks ago. I relish in the memory as I zip his suitcase, glancing over to the bathroom. He stands in front of the mirror, shaving, and I can just see him through the cracked door. He sees me in his peripheral vision and smiles, setting the razor down and starts walking towards me with his half-shaven face and a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. He clutches it with his hand, holding it up, and slides through the half-open door.

I smile, sitting on top of the suitcase, but the smile disappears when he starts to get uncomfortably close. "Toby, what are you...?"

"You know what I really want, Cassie?" He asks mischievously. "A kiss." I gasp and hold my hands out in front of me, squealing.

"Toby, don't you dare," I threaten, but he pushes my hands away and kisses me roughly, making sure to get shaving cream all over my face. I laugh when he pulls away, wiping off the cream and smearing it on his chest. He heaves a sigh of defeat, then smiles and heads back into the bathroom to finish shaving. I sit there until he emerges from the bathroom, still holding the towel loosely around his waist. I can see the happy trail that leads to his... oh, my. I lick my lips unknowingly, and he bites his lip and winks.

"What's the matter, Cassie? Going to miss me too much?" He asks tauntingly, and I go over to him, looking into his eyes.

"Now, don't get too cocky," I scold, then rest my head against his chest. "But I am going to miss you."

He tilts my chin up and kisses me deeply, then gazes at me, his eyes concerned and compassionate. "It's okay, Cass." He says quietly, "I'm going to be back Tuesday night, okay? It's Thursday. I'll only be gone for, like, less than six days." I hear him, but all I'm staring at are his lips. Before he can say anything more, I kiss him again, my hands tugging at his damp hair and my heart filled with longing.

I don't even notice that we're on the bed until I feel the sheets underneath him, my body lying on top of his. One of his hands cups my cheek while the other pulls off my shirt, our lips disconnecting only when the fabric slips between them and connecting again when he unclasps my bra. Toby's hand has stopped clutching his towel and it lies on the floor at his feet, leaving him bare and me in my underwear. Toby rolls us over, taking control, and he stops kissing me to prop up over me, grinning mischievously. In one swift motion, he pulls down my underpants, leaving us both naked. Without hesitation, he leans over to ruffle in the nightstand drawer, searching for a condom. But suddenly his hand stops moving and he gasps.

He curses under his breath. I watch as he quickly shuts the drawer and hurries over to the clothes that lay on his bed, grabbing his boxers and stepping into them. "Toby?" I ask, my voice crawling back up out of the gasps and pants it had been buried under. He looks up, a forlorn glint in his eye.

"My flight leaves in an hour, and I still have to say goodbye to Gryphon." He explains, and I gasp before standing up and grabbing my bra from where it lays crumpled on the floor. After we're both fully clothed, he comes over to me and whispers sexily into my ear, "We'll finish this later," Before brushing past with his suitcase.

- - -

We head into the ICU at the vet center, quickly locating Gryphon and laughing when he pops his head up and barks. He bounces out of the bed, scurrying over to Toby and into his open arms. "Hey, buddy!" He whispers, and the two of them look so content that I decide to leave them be. I quickly grab my phone and start recording, though, catching the whole goodbye for a vlog or maybe just a personal video to keep.

"Hey, look here, Gryph," he says, "I have to go away for a while, so nothing can happen to you while I'm gone. I won't be able to take care of you fast enough." I can hear his voice crack, and I feel myself tear up when he hugs his dog affectionately. "Look, buddy," He whispers, and a tear slides down his cheek. "I love you, alright? Don't forget that." With that, he stands up slowly, setting Gryphon back in bed. When he turns to look at me, he sees the phone and quickly wipes his cheeks.

"Audience?!" He cries, his voice slightly shaky. "What're you doing watching me cry?" He takes the phone out of my hand and holds it out in front of us as we leave the room. At the last minute, he points the camera at Gryphon. "Anything to say, Gryph?" He asks, then goes into Gryphon mode when he says, "I hate you, Audience. No, I'm kidding, I love you. Stop crying." He says, then waves goodbye to his dog before I shut the door. He takes a deep breath and talks to the camera as we head out, and stops outside the car.

"But don't keep me there too long, Audience. Cassie and I have some... unfinished business to take care of." He says slyly, and I swat his shoulder.

"Toby!" I cry, my eyes raised in embarrassment. He chuckles and does the outro, shutting off the camera. The whole ride to the airport I give him the cold shoulder, and when we get there he wraps his arms around me, frowning when I don't hug him back.

"Oh, come on, Cass," he smiles. "You know you wanna kiss me."

"No," I argue, smiling. "I'm still mad at you for saying that in the vlog." Nevertheless, I wrap my arms around him, smiling and breathing him in.

"There we go," he whispers, squeezing me and then cupping my face in his hands and kissing me. I can see his eyes sparkling, and mine are too, but eventually his flight is announced as 'boarding' and he kisses me one more time before he starts toward the gate.

- - -


So apparently we're over 800 reads? Wtf?

I think it's so cool that you all are reading my work, and I promise to keep pumping out good chapters in return.

What are your thoughts on this chapter??

~ Hollie xx

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