Chapter Twenty-Two

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I didn't go see Toby on visiting day. I didn't go see him the day after, either. In fact, I didn't go see Toby at all.

Don't get me wrong here, I wanted to see him. I really did. But... I was afraid.

Afraid he'd be different. Afraid he'd be so brainwashed his feelings had completely changed about me. Afraid he'd hate me for sending him to the hospital. Just so, so afraid.

Eventually, when I built up the courage to finally see him again, the six-week period was up. No more waiting, no more delays, no more fear. Just the anticipation of seeing him again, that was it, that was all. A blank sheet. Raw emotion.

And God, was I terrified.

I pull up to the hospital, my hands shaking on the wheel, the touch of the leather steering wheel all that's keeping me sane. I check my reflection once, twice, finding any way possible to stall. If I could rewind everything, right back to the day I bumped into him on the sidewalk, I would in a heartbeat. Do it all again. Treasure each and every moment with him that I took for granted.

As I was looking down, I ran into something like a total idiot.

Or... someone.

I fell back, dropping my phone and pulling my headphones out of my ears.

Before I could process what had happened, there was a dog literally licking my face.

I opened my eyes, only to be pulled up by a firm grip.

"Oh, shoot," he said. His voice was familiar. "I'm so sorry."

Ah! Once i saw the face, I put it together.

Toby Turner. My awkward, loud, crazy neighbor.

I shrug out of my jacket and knot it around my waist, checking the time on my phone and then stepping out of the car. I stared up at the white, marble building, and the earth seemed to hold it's breath, waiting on me to move.

"Can you even have a plan in bowling?" I ask sarcastically, but Toby remains serious.

"Actually, yes. Mine's foolproof. You just have to learn the technique." I look at him questioningly. A technique? In bowling? I mean, I can see in, like, football. But bowling?? "Here," he says, easing the bowling ball out of my hand. "I'll show you. Follow me." We walk up to the front of the alley, and he stands right behind me, our bodies almost touching. His strong arm rubs against my weak one as he places the ball back in my hand, resting it on top of his open palm. He places his fingers down on mine, grasping my hand in the gentlest way possible.

"Okay, so the first thing you want to do is not put your fingers in the holes. It's hard to let go that way." I want to say words, but all i can do is nod in consent. Noise just catches in my throat and gets swallowed back down. With his other arm, he points over my shoulder to the area around the front pin. "Now you just want to aim for the space right between the first and second pins. Alright?" I nod again, and he brings my arm back, sliding his other arm behind my shoulder and releasing my hand that's gripping the ball. "Try it," he says, and enlarges the space between my back and his chest when he steps away.

I walk across the parking lot, my hair blowing in the wind, making my way to the front doors. They slide open to allow entrance, and I'm greeted with a wave of air conditioning and the smell of sanitizer. I head up to the check-in desk, giving my information quickly and then taking a seat in the nearest chair.

This leads to a ten-minute food fight, including ice cream getting dumped down Toby's shirt and whipped cream sprayed in my face. When we finish, the kitchen is a total mess, PLUS we've used up about half of the food. I lie down on the floor, closing my eyes and moving my arms and legs back and forth.

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