Chapter 4

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Andy's Pov

After sleeping until the sun has gone down, I get up and take shower before I rummage through my duffel bag for a pair of dark jeans, a white t-shirt and my favourite leather jacket. I check my phone to find a few texts from my publisher, advising me to explore and mingle to find my inspiration.

I haven't eaten since this morning and I'm feeling a bit famished. Once I get down to the reception, I ask about a few places to get food.

"There's a café called Sombre that makes amazing sandwiches and burgers down the road. Tony's makes good pizza." The elderly lady gives me a map and points out the spots and showing me where the bar is as apparently there's only one.

"There is a bonfire at Ridge's Edge tonight. It's just up the road on the other side of the hill, I'm sure you young people enjoy those things." She ushers me out and I thank her, taking the map and walking to the car. I consider going to the bonfire as my publisher would love to hear about it, then that girl with the green eyes, I saw earlier comes to mind, would she be there?

I head to Sombre to get a burger and watch as the sunset, watching as people wander around, going about their daily lives and the contrast to the city. I hear quite a few people talk about the bonfire later on. When the waitress, Tanya, comes back to check on me, I notice she starts flirting.

"So there's a bonfire happening tonight. You don't have any plans do you?" she asks as she bats her eyelashes and twirls her hair around her fingernail.

I shake my head, "No I don't." I need to tread carefully, as her eyes brighten when she looks at me.

"That's great, you should come with us. A bunch of us are gonna go as a group of course." I smile and nod.

"Thank you for the invitation." I push my black hair back off my face, I had dyed just it jet black again and had stopped cutting it since then, so it was longer than I was used too.

"Great, I get off shift in the next 15 minutes, then we're gonna meet up and go through." Her brown eyes shining and her smile beaming makes me think that this couldn't possibly be a good idea, but I need to remind myself to experience life again, so I nod.

Once I make it out into the stale chilly night air, I pull on my jacket before I walk over to the car. I take a deep breathe when Tanya walks out with 3 other girls and they are all pointing at me and giggling, I pretended to not see it but to be honest, I thought it was very childish, but whatever.

Tanya asked if I wanted to drive with them, but I preferred driving by myself there so I could leave whenever I wanted too. We decided that I would follow them, I was thankful that none of them came to drive with me.

As the car started, I turned on the radio and some old classic rock song was on, my heart twisting at the memories of singing old rock songs in the cold at night with her. I switch stations until I give up and turn the radio off. I drove a little distance behind the girls, but I could still see them turning to look at me.

When we arrived at Ridge's Edge, a huge bonfire probably twice, if not three times my height blazing. There are a lot of people walking around holding red cups, then I remember that I didn't bring anything to drink. One of Tanya's friends came running over with two cups and handed me a cup full of stale beer.

"Here, I thought you could use a drink." She smiled sweetly and I took the cup."

"Yeah, thank you." I took a sip and felt the golden liquid rush down my throat. After standing around awkwardly for a few minutes Tanya calls for her friend, who grabs my hand and pulls me over to join them. I feel uncomfortable and when the group comes into view, I want to walk in the opposite direction.

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