Chapter 75

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Andy's Pov

Everything was finally set up, the decor was ready, Kye and my parents were at the hotel getting done, our friends had the address, the catering was set up and the cake was delivered. My main concern was the DJ, the music and the lighting because if this didn't work, everything felt like a waste. We went through it a couple of times until I was satisfied. I knew Riley and Tracey were on their way home and I was about to lock up upstair before heading out when I paused, my heart was about to explode and my smile hurt, but I felt that this was as perfect as it was going to get.

By the time I got home, I was feeling a bit drained, after running around all day, but the sun was just about to set when I walked in and Riley was sitting on the couch, her nails freshly painted and her hair, jet black and softly curled. I walked in and looked at her, kissing the top of her head before I noticed the faint blush tinting her cheeks.

"Do you have makeup on?" I was slightly surprised, but Tracey said she would handle getting Riley ready. She blushed beneath the faint colour and my eyes lingered on her face.

"Tracey went a bit overboard, I tried to keep it toned down, hahahaha. I'm gonna be scrubbing my face for a week." I touched her hair and she picked up a strand, examining it. "You don't like it?" Her voice small.

"I love it, you look beautiful, Riley!" I smiled as leaned in to kiss her softly, her fresh layer perfume lingered gently of wildflowers and fresh berries and a hint of jasmine. My lips lingered on hers and I inhaled the scent, softly breathing through the deserve to ravage her right now and mess up her hair. "I better get ready before I make a mess of Tracey's work and she kills us both." I kiss her more firmly before I drag myself away and head for the room to get ready.

I had to be careful to keep the box hidden until we were at the venue, I checked the contents one last time before hiding it on the top shelf of my side. I showered and was grateful that the water seemed to help wash away some of the fatigue. I got out refreshed and the excitement started buzzing, my stomach flipped and I smiled as the time drew near.

Riley was getting done in Tracey's room, apparently, it was a surprise. I got downstairs in my slacks and shirt, adding the cufflinks she bought me a couple weeks earlier while my blazer laid over the chair in front of me.​​​​​​​ I was struggling with the one cuffs when Tracey came down and I smiled, she beamed at me as she declared.

"Please be in awe of my masterpiece." I chuckled and smiled.

"You look beautiful Tracey." I offered and she shook her head, huffing.

"Not me, you delinquent, but yes I know. I'm talking about Princess Riley!" Her voice carried, so Riley could hear her like it was her queue to come down, but nothing happened. "I said PRINCESS RILEY!" She shouted and we watched, for a heartbeat nothing happened, then another and another passed and I thought Tracey was going to go up and drag her down here. "I swear Riley if you are not down here now, I'm going to..." Before she could continue, my eyes swam and I felt faint at the vision that appeared before us.

Riley wore a green dress that got lighter at the bottom, but the floor-length material made her look taller and laid softly on her curves. Her hair was pinned up and her makeup was light, but her blush crept over her skin and my eyes roamed over her body. The dress matched her emerald green orbs perfectly and the contrast of her skin and hair made the features stand out more.

"Wow, you look..." My breath caught as her blush deepened. She stood there nervously and I smiled. "You look so beautiful, Riley, I... So beautiful." I offered again, at a loss for words at how amazing she truly looked.

"I did my best, but it was easy 'cause she's already so gorgeous." I smiled at Riley, I couldn't take my eyes off her. I nodded in agreement and then she walked up to me and I was struck by how deep my feelings are for her once again when I breathed her in and saw her features up close.

She adjusted my tie and smoothed her hands over my shirt, my hand clutched her left hand and brought her fingers to my lips. "So beautiful. I love you." She smiled and leaned up to kiss my cheek, the gloss on her soft pink lips is barely visible and I see her blush as she goes to wipe the spot her lips kissed. I cup her hand and nuzzle into it.

"Okay you two, I get it, you're madly in love, can we go now before I'll lose my appetite at this blatant display of affection?!" Tracey walked towards the front door and I looked at Riley, who nods before she turned to walk over to her friend, my hand clench with hers still in mine and I felt my chest tighten. She looked at me and smiled before squeezing my hand and mouthing the words, 'I love you too'.

"Let's go, Mr B, before I change my mind and get out of this dress." I nodded as I came to my senses and ran up to get the box before we left the house.

We arrived at our destination and Riley scrunched her nose as she looked at me. "I think we were here looking at houses, but I don't remember a restaurant nearby, is there?" Her suspicion had me on my toes and I thought about blindfolding her before Tracey jumped in and distracted her. When I pulled into the drive, there were a few cars parked and I knew everyone was here waiting for us. I looked at her and smiled.

"We're here, stay put," I whisper as I leaned over the console and she nodded, Tracey had gotten out by the time I had rounded the car, we exchanged a brief nod and she went in ahead of us to let everyone know. I opened Riley's door and I stood taking her in again and at that moment, my nerves had vanished, I was never this sure until now.

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