Chapter 31

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Riley's Pov

Andy had been calling and I thought about ignoring him, but there was a big piece of me that felt mended by him that made me answer the call, his voice was all it took for my walls to crumble.

He sounded hurt, almost frantic when he spoke. He begged me to tell him where I was and for the life of me, I couldn't deny him anymore. I was afraid that I had come to need him so much in such a short space of time. He told me that he was on his way, that all he needed was my location and he would be there, I had thought about lying to him, but I was afraid too.

What if he really came and I wasn't there, what would he do? At this moment though, I needed him and I was happy that he was on his way.

I got off at a train stop and I got myself a room, I hadn't been in a bed since I felt Andy's and I was hungry, the snacks I ate on the train this morning was not enough. I needed a shower and a bed as soon as humanly possible. The meds were still affecting me, making me feel drowsy, but the lack of sleep was also getting to me after that dream I had.

After I spoke to Andy, I had tried sleeping for a few hours, but I was restless and I now had to get dressed so that I looked somewhat decent for when he arrived. I got a coffee and a burger while I sat on the bed with my legs crossed, picking at the food. I was nervous to see him, even though I had agreed to this.

I give up on half my burger. I slowly brushed my hair and applied some makeup before I step outside to have a smoke, Andy should be here in the next hour or so, he texted me with an update. I paced around trying to shake the growing nerves and the overwhelming need to run before he gets here.

He was a few minutes away and I knew this place was a bit tricky to find, so I decided to gather the last bit of my strength and wait for him out front. The warm breeze blew my hair and I stood there in my biker boots and galaxy leggings with a dark blue top, feeling a chill that ran from head to toe.

I stood for a few minutes, feeling lonely and slightly dizzy, so I crouched down and hugged my knees. The sun was going to be rising soon and I was worried that Andy had been driving all night without a break. I pulled out my phone and was about to call him to make sure he was okay when I saw headlights in the distance.

I slowly straightened and when I saw his car, there was an eruption of butterflies in my stomach, I had seen him less than 48 hours ago, but I missed him so much. The car slowed to a roll and stopped just in front of me, I took a deep breath when he got out of the car with the engine still running and walked around to me.


He stood so close to me that my shallow breaths were filled with his familiar and comforting scent, I closed my eyes as I breathed him in. Andy gently touched my cheek and I felt so broken, the tears threatened to spill. He felt like home and I was running, but he wasn't mine, that thought snapped me out of it, he wasn't my place to belong.

"Andy," My eyes flew open as his warm hands dug into my hair and his breath fanned my face, he very gently ghosted his lips over mine and all thoughts seemed to evaporate.

My mind drew a blank as he pressed his lips to mine, the kiss was slow and deep, stealing bits of my heart and soul. Andy took a step closer and my arms clung to him, begging him to take me away. As I lose myself in the kiss, Andy takes a step back, I keep my eyes closed as I feel the distance between us grow, I don't want to open my eyes in case he disappears, but when he whispers my name.


I peek at him through my lashes, taking him in and as the winds whip around us reminding me where I am. I look over at Andy's car, I can't stand looking at him while I feel so wrecked, I feel too bare and exposed to look at him.

"What are you doing here Andy? Why did you come?" I ask as the sun had just started rising over the horizon and looking over at Andy only made this crushing feeling of being unworthy of him stronger.

"I came to see you." I kept my eyes trained straight ahead and was level with Andy's lips, the ring in the corner was so distracting I dropped my gaze but he placed his finger under my chin, tilting my head back up, "Riley, I came to find you, to make sure you're safe, that you're okay."

I shook my head, "Why? Why do you care so much? You practically had my head for a bear." I didn't want to talk about it, but it had come out and it was too late to stop it.

He pushes his hand through his hair with a huge sigh, "I'm sorry Riley, it seems I can't keep my promise to do right by you. I had a shit day and seeing you with Tiffany's bear kind of broke me, but it wasn't right for me to take it out on you. It's not an excuse but I'm so sorry."

I knew that the bear was linked to his past, but I didn't know that it was hers, I could only assume. "I'm sorry Andy, I didn't know,"  I whispered but he shook his head.

"It's not your fault Riley, do you hear me? I handled the whole thing wrong and when I came to apologise and you weren't there, I lost my shit. That place is empty without you."

I nodded in understanding, "Don't you have work to get to?" I ask as the sun slowly climbs into the sky, giving Andy an angelic glow, as a slow slight dim that started ebbing the corners of my eyes.

"I took a couple of days, to find you." I shook my head to clear my vision and the words Andy said.

"But this is a busy week for you with work and everything." I felt confused and I knew it was written on my face, without the meds in my system, I was starting to feel them slowly come back.

"You're more important to me Riley, I wanted to make sure you are okay." I nodded and looked into his eyes, noting the bags under his eyes, he was driving all night and here we were standing around as the sun came up.

"Come on, let's get you to bed you look like you need it." I offered as I walked to the car, he shook his head before he made an offer.

"Let's have breakfast first and then we can get some rest, you look like you haven't slept either." He joked and I rolled my eyes.

"Get in Andrew, let's go."

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