Chapter 9

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Riley's Pov

I had crawled into bed in the early hours of this morning, nothing new there, but I felt different, I had energy and there was a buzz in my blood from the tequila and the conversation we had. I didn't even try to fight the smile as I curled into a ball. Andy was different from all the other guys. He had frustrated me from the way he was always butting in when Jason was around, but thanks to him, I had avoided another public beating. He was my hero and he was a really great guy.

I would be lying if I didn't find him fascinating, he's perfectly symmetrical features and the mystery of the tattoos that peaked out of the collar of his shirt, the piercings and the way he dressed had me smiling as he made jokes and told me stories of all the places he had been.

We had spent hours talking and drinking and he never attempted to make a move on me. Part of me felt relief that there was no pressure to be what someone wanted and to be desirable, I was free to be who I was. While a part of me felt less attractive since he wasn't even trying to make a move.

I had woken up in a good mood with a buzz in my veins, for once I didn't wake up hating myself. I had gotten ready for work and made it to the store earlier than usual, so I took out my phone and scrolled through the few contacts I have to call Tracey and there at the top of the list was Andy. The memory of me taking his number coming to mind, he had given me his number and said that when I wanted to talk, he would be available.

I cracked a small smile before I scrolled down further to Tracey's number. The phone rang off and went to voicemail and when I tried again, the same thing happened. So I send her a quick text, *Hope you're still alive, miss you Trace.* I put my phone back into my pocket and pulled out my cigarette, the craving was starting to make me buzz fade.

I started my shift and by the time my lunchtime came at 3 pm, I couldn't resist the urge to call Andy.

"Hello." His voice came through the receiver and I held my breath, the sound of liquid gold and sleep fill my sense.

"Hey, Andy." I breathe, the biggest smile on my face. "Are you still sleeping?" I want to laugh at the thought that he's still in bed and hungover.

"Hey Riley, no, no, I'm awake." I didn't know what I was going to say so I just started rambling.

"Listen, I'm just calling to say thank you for last night, it was refreshing speaking to someone who doesn't know me," Or judges me. I realise that I must sound sad and pathetic to him after the alcohol would have worn off and my smile starts slipping.

There was a slight pause and I could hear him clear his throat, "Don't worry about it, it was great talking to you." The words he had said left me feeling hollow and the reality that in the daytime with no alcohol to inhibit his mind, he probably didn't care about me.

"So anyway Andy, I got to get back to work, enjoy your day," I say before I hang up without waiting for a response. I knew that last night would be too good to be true.

I facepalm myself as I take a deep breath, turn off my phone and walk out of the store. I walked across the parking lot and sat on a bench as I ate my sandwich and drank my coke. I enjoyed watching people walk around and try to imagine what their lives are like, although I knew most of them and their problems.

After my meal, I take out my box of cigarettes and before I light one, a memory from last night flashes through my mind. 'You should quit smoking, it's not at all healthy.' He took the cigarette out of my hand and put it back into the box. I bit my lip as no one has ever told me to quit smoking or made me want too. His smirk had me nodding my head as I took the box back and shoved it back into my pocket.

I felt a burst of anger fill me as I knew that it didn't matter. I lit the cigarette and watched the tip glow red as I sucked in a deep breath of smoke that filled my lungs, the feeling of the cloud in my chest was a welcomed feeling.

Halfway through the cigarette, my joy from smoking and the feeling of the cloud had evaporated the same way the tendrils of smoke dissipated. I threw the half smoked stick on the ground after my last inhale and stomped it out.

As the last of the smoke was leaving my breath, a voice had me jumping up from my seat, "I thought we agreed that you would quit smoking." I turn on my heels as I see Andy standing behind me dressed in all black, he smiles and the lip ring glints in the sunlight.

My breath was stolen by the smoke and the man that stood in front of me.

"Andy," I manage to choke out before I cast my eyes to the floor where the half smoked stick lies, the light squashed out of it. "I didn't finish it though." Was all that had left my mouth and I mentally curse myself.

I watch him through my lashes as he seems to think about it, "It's a step forward I guess, I mean, quitting is hard." He rubs the back of his neck and the tattoos on his arms are more visible, along with the tattoos on his neck.

I bite my lip as I nod and I see his eyes focus on my mouth. I have to look away before I do something to embarrass myself further, "What are you doing here?" I ask as I watch a car drive out of the parking lot in the distance.

"I needed to get a few things from the store," he points behind me and I fight the urge to slap myself in the face. I nod to avoid anything else coming out of my mouth.

I am suddenly self-conscious, I had applied makeup this morning, but it's a lot lighter than my usual dark smokey eye, I went with a thin line of eyeliner, mascara, red lipstick and a light blush that I had never used and just enough concealer to hide the bruise. My jet black hair was tied into a high bun and I was in my black skinny jeans, my sneakers and had my blue vest under the hideous green and yellow store shirt.

I tugged at the edge of the shirt and turned back to the store, "Well I better get back to work." I point my thumb over my shoulder as I slowly backed away. Andy nods as he starts to walk next to me.

"Thank you for the call, Riley." I can feel my blood rushing to my face and staining it red. I nod and curse that I didn't leave my hair loose so it could cover my face. The rest of the walk back into the store was in silence and I was thankful when I had gotten to the door and headed for the back without a word, but just an awkward wave.

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