Part 5

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Jade's POV

I woke up in the scent of sanitizers, alcohol, and finding myself connected dextrose. A bright white light hovering my vision.

"Oh thank goodness you're awake!!" Calum rushed to me.

His voice kept ringing on my head. I winced in pain. What the heck is wrong? I sat up still feeling dizzy.

"Wait a sec. Slow down." Calum said helping me.

I admired his sweet gesture. He was a gentleman indeed. I loved that about him. He made me feel special. He made me feel like a girl.

"Your mum said you needed iron." He said.

"I have anemia, Cal. I always need iron." I told him.

"That is why I brought you this!!" he said holding up a bunch of fruits.

I pinched his cheeks he was too cute. He leaned in and planted a kiss on my forehead. Then my Mum came in.

"Calum, can Jade and I talk for a minute."

He nodded and walked out.

"What  is it mum?" I asked.

She took a deep breath. I noticed her eyes were sore. Her dark circles became darker not in a way that she was lacking  sleep. It was different.

"Mum?" I asked again.

"Jade." her voice got shaky.

It scared me.

"The.... the doctor... said... said..." she started crying.

"Mum. Please tell me." I said holding her hand.

"Cancer. Stage two." She choked.

I swallowed and my body trembled. My bones were shaking out of fear. I looked at my mum who had the world on her shoulders.

"Mum, it's gonna be alright." I lied.

She cried harder, it broke me seeing her like this.

"Stage two? Mum I will survive!" I assured her.

She looked up trying to be the strong woman I know but deep down I know she was breaking inside like me.

"Mum, does Calum know?" I asked.

"No."  she said wiping a year away.

"Don't tell him please." I said.

She agreed and set me off to rest as the doctors said. I will start chemo next week. Hello great big world.

Calum's POV

I walked back to Jade's room. Finding her mum gone and my princess asleep. I saw a fresh tear fall from her cheek. I  quickly wiped it away. I know something is wrong I just hope you'll tell me.

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