Chapter 27

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When Jessa, sky, jessica, kendra, Tansley ,shanna, and I get to the car (every one came over first btw) "so who's your boyfriend sky?" I ask wiggling my eye brows "haha I don't have one but I do like someone" she said and than made a dramatic all onto the back if the seat.

(For this story sky's gonna be like 12) "you know when I was around your age I met the live of my life" I tell her

"yea and he also got you pregnant like the day after you played a trick on cam, jess, and nash" sky said laughing. "Ok tell us about the mystery guy" Kendra said

"Ok, ok his name is Brendan, he's in my class, he has blue eyes, dark hair, he's a football player for the junior varsity team, the one that I cheerlead for, and apparently one of my friends over heard him say that I am the definition of perfect to one of his friends" she said

"woah so you like him???" Tansley said wiggling her eyebrows the way I did before

"Well I am pretty young but I think I am in love." she said all smiley and giggled after that sentence "we are here let's go shopping" Jessica said we get out and go shopping.

first stop Victoria's Secret. We went to forever 21 and sky found a really pretty black and white ruffled dress "omg I gotta try this on" she goes and try's it in and comes back and she looks stunning.

"Woah put these heels on I bet your mom will let you wear these" Jessica said handing her a pair of heels.

She puts them on and Kendra was over to us "woah what's the occasion?" she asks "formal school dance" she answers "well you gotta get the dress." Kendra told her and walked away.

A/N hey my pixies what do you think about this chapter and Brendan I am exited well sorry for the short chapter one should be coming soon.

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