Day One

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For: All the people who thought I was worthy to be in their bios or took the time out to message me about how they love my work or story dedications:

















So thank you very much. <3

Happy Birthday Rana (_ranabanana)! I hope you have the best birthday ever Darling! I love you!

A/N: This is the sequel to 'A Week With You' which was only made because popular demand. The chapters will be labeled by days and some days may skip. So for example it may be Day Four on one chapter then Day Six the next. It will always depends. I'm sorry for the long dedication but I had to. Stay Flawless my Smiles! <3

Welcome to the early release that will be updated once a week. So without further ado, I give you the first chapter of 'Forever With You'. -Nikkie :)s

"Wake up Scott." I groaned, rolling to my side. I felt him lay down next to me. "Wake up damn it. I have to see my parents today and I have to make sure you're awake."

"Five more minutes."

"I'm going to drink all your Dr. Pepper." I sat up immediately.

"Don't touch my Dr. Pepper." I felt my heart drop at the person in front of me. My dear Alexander. I felt my eyebrows draw together with my next sentence. "I-I love you." My eyes avoided his. He smiled. That smile could still not compare to the one that use to rest on my pillow.

"I love you too." He leaned forward to press his lips against mine. I put my hand under his chin. He pulled away with a shy gleam in his eyes. "Do you wanna....continue this?"

"Not right now." Alex smiled.

"I need to go to my parents but I'll be home soon okay?"

"Be safe." I watched him get dressed then come over to kiss my cheek before he left. I sighed, dropping my head in my hands. I was so tired. Stayed up for work almost all last night and I still didn't finish editing. That song. They wanted so much from the little I was given.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I sat at my computer desk. I had my headphones in while I was trying to change everything. This group didn't have a bad sound. They personally just annoyed the fuck out of me. They were dicks. So full of themselves. I open the drawer on the side of my desk to retrieve a pad of paper and a pen when the whole drawer came tumbling down.

"Shit." I stopped my work to pick up what fell. I paused when I heard something playing other than my music. I yanked my headphones out.

"Do you wish I was cuter?"

"You're ridiculous. I mean, you're gorgeous."

I shut off the recorder before it could go any farther. That made me feel so cold and empty. Two years. I kept my headphones in my ears while I walked down the street with warm coffee in my hand. I though I had gotten over him. It hurt to even say his name.

Forever With You (Second Book)Where stories live. Discover now