Day Six

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For AnnMarieThrush

A/N: Got it back. And I realized there is only two more chapters.

"Do you want me to make you something to eat?" I kissed Mitch's cheek lightly. He was so cute to offer cooking for me.

"I want you to stay. Forever." He moved to lay on top of my chest, looking straight at me.

"Are you just going to keep sneaking behind Alex's back? Even after you're married?"

"I don't know anymore." I tucked a piece of his stray hair behind his ear. My other hand was underneath my head. "Would you ever say no to me?"

"Probably not." I thought about my next sentence carefully.

"Then why don't you marry me?" He sat up quickly. I think I regretted those words by the shocked look on his face.

"Marry you? Scott we spent a week together." I sat up so our faces were inches apartment. I could kiss him now.

"Then tell me you don't love me." He opened his mouth but closed it again.

"That's not fair." I made him giggle when I shoved him back on the bed. I hovered above him.

"Tell me and I'll leave." I ran my fingers on his hearing aids.

"I don't want you to leave." I slowly began kissing his neck. I felt his hand drift down my chest. "You've gotten muscly." He laughed softly.

"I've missed you so much." I pressed my lips against his. I pulled away to look at him. "Promise you won't go anywhere again." His eyebrows drew together and he sat up to kiss me. I took that as his part of the promise. I didn't want to lose him again.

"Scott, I-" He was cut off by the phone ringing. I rolled off to the side so he could answer. "Hello? Oh. Hi Alex." I seemed to snap into the situation. Mitch glanced at me. "Yeah. I'll tell Scott if I see him. Okay. Bye." He end the call and put the phone on the nightstand.

"What'd he say?"

"His mom went into a worse condition and he says that he won't be home until seven."

"So I get ten more hours with you." I smiled at him but he didn't return the gesture.

"This is wrong." I couldn't say anything to convince him otherwise because I knew it was wrong. Cheating is never the way to go. But this was Mitch I was talking about. He gave me the best week of my life. I fell in love with him and he fell in love with me. I can't deny the connection we shared. That we still share.

"Would you start a life with me? If I asked?" His shoulders dropped from their tensed position. He seemed to think for awhile.

"Do you know how many nights I wonder what would have happened if I stayed?" I shook my head. He began playing with his hands nervously. "Every night. You were the most important thing on my mind."

"If you would have stayed, I would have proposed after a year. Maybe earlier."

"And I would have said yes." He admitted. My jaw dropped enough to part my lips slightly in surprise. "But it's now and there's something you need to know." I raised my hand up to stop him.

"I don't." I got up from the bed and pulled on a pair of pajama bottoms. I turned back to looked at him. His face was red like he was holding his breath. "Mitch-"

"I'm going back to London." He blurted. I think I felt my heart shatter.

"What?" Tears suddenly began pouring down his face.

"That's why I didn't want to see you. I was planning on leaving again. I got a good job and I took it." I sat on the edge of the bed to collect my thoughts. This was a lot to take in. I just got him back. I didn't want to lose him again. "Scott?" I got up when he tried to put his hands on my shoulders.

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