Day One Hundred Sixteen

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For Serdeval18

Vows from:

A/N: Last Chapter! No Sequel! I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I loved writing it. Anyways, onto stories old and new. If you want to check out more of my stories, click on my profile. If not, that's cool. If this is goodbye, I hope you find all your Scomiche needs. Stay Flawless my Lovely Smiles! <3
-Nikkie :)s

"You ready?" I let out a shaky, nervous breath as Avi fixed my tie. I couldn't believe that it was finally here. My wedding to the most incredible man in my life.

"I'm nervous. What if I fuck up the vows?"

"Don't worry." Kevin was fixing my hair. I kept running my fingers through it as my nervous habit. "Soon you'll be fucking as husbands." I let out a weak chuckle.

"To think all this trouble came from a week together. Yet I can't imagine what my life would be like without him." I jumped at someone knocking on the door.

"The ceremony is about to start."

I could feel my heart pounding and the sound ringing in my ears. It was horrible how fried my nerves are. I think my hands were shaking as little Caitlin came down the aisle with her basket and rose petals then Kirstie in her light blue dress.

Then finally it was Mitch. I hadn't seen him for a week. We had agreed that it would build up when we were able to see each other at the wedding. But I really want to run forward and he does too. He was so handsome. Black and white suit with a blue rose and blue striped tie. I don't know why Mitch picked blue. I just knew that no matter what that man wore, I would always want to get him out of it.

"I love you." I heard Mitch whisper to me as the pastor or priest or whatever the fuck you want to call it droned on.

"I love you too." I reached over to laced my fingers with his as we stood shoulder to shoulder. I still couldn't get over how beautiful he looked. How beautiful he always looks. I was so glad I moved out to London with him. It's just been perfect.

"The couple would like to exchange their vows. Mitch, you may go first." Mitch didn't even get out a piece of paper. He stared me straight in the eyes and said everything with such passion that it made my heart swell.

"Scott, on this special day as we become partners in life, before our family, I make these commitments of my own free will. I promise to take you in to my heart, as you are, and as you will become. I promise to walk by your side and support your dreams, I will express my thoughts and emotions to you and listen to you in times of joy and in times of sorrow.

I promise to be your best friend and companion on the road of life. I will help you fulfill your dreams, and be sensitive to the cares of your heart. I want to spend the rest of my life hearing your thoughts and seeing your dreams come true. I will travel with you through all of life's journeys. And I want you, Scott, to be my companion throughout our journey of life. Together."

I could hear Mitch and I's moms wailing. They had been so emotional about the wedding. But I think I even saw both of our fathers tear up. Kirstie was blubbering like a baby. Kevin and Avi were holding hands with smiles directed towards us.

"Your turn Scott." The crowd laughed at my long pause. I glanced back at Avi and he nodded reassuringly. I reached over to pull Mitch's helpers from his ear.

"What are yo-" I put my finger to my lips to signal him to be quiet. His hearing aids went into my pockets. I took a deep breath. I could do this. I practiced it and I'm pretty sure Mitch would still love me if I messed up a little. I cracked my knuckles. Then I began to sign my vows to him.

'Mitch, I stand here, today, in front of our friends and our family, to make these promises to you. I promise to love you passionately in the good times and the bad times. To always put your needs and desires before my own. I promise to respect you and give you the time and attention that you deserve. I promise to keep an open mind and an open heart to the changes life might bring to us. To never tear down your hopes and dreams.

'I promise to keep our relationship alive and exciting, filled with imagination, joy, and strength. To never have a dull moment. I promise to grow along with you and never keep my secrets and my fears away from you. I promise to be the best friend to you that you have and continue to be to me. I promise to give you all of me and to never hold anything back. These are my promises to you. I am yours completely and forever.'

"Oh Scott." Mitch had his hands covering his mouth as he tried not to burst into tears. The tears escaped when he blinked though. I signed one last thing for him.

'You are my one and only, Mitch.'

"I guess you may now kiss the groom." Mitch threw his arms around my neck and practically crashed our lips together. I wasn't complaining though. My time with Mitch was the best I've ever experienced. Now I just had to keep adding to it. Get a nice house, have a couple kids, grow old together.

It's funny how things start out. Like the fact that Mitch said he never wanted to fall in love. Or how my future was to be sealed with another man.

But my life always brought me back to Mitch.

To shoving our first piece of cake in each other's face so when I kiss him his lips are the most sweetly addictive thing on this planet.

To Mitch putting Caitlin on his shoulders so she could throw a random bundle of flowers to the women that flocked behind.

To Garrett proposing to Kirstie during dinner.

To our first slow dance as each other's husband. No one coming between us as Mitch rested his head on my shoulder and I sung softly to him. Even if he couldn't hear me, he listened to the vibrations of my body.

To our honeymoon where I can spend every day showing Mitch how much he means to me. That he's the one that will always have my heart.

To being able to make love with him knowing that no one can take him away.

To being with my beautiful husband for the rest of my life.

For as long as the 'I love you's never die.

And they always....

Stayed alive.


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