Day Five

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For fcutee

A/N: So the plan for ICSYHTLMH is to update in sets of twos or threes. So the chapters can be longer and better. Because there is only six chapters left. Anyways enjoy this chapter!

"Oh my god Scott. What has gotten into you lately?" I rolled to lay next to Alex, throwing the condom away in the bedside trash. He had this rule. No condom, no sex. This is the only man I've used a condom with. Then again, Alex is the third guy I've been with. Travis, Mitch, and Alex. "Hey?"

"Hmm?" He was resting his chin on my chest to look at me.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I pushed him so we were both laying on our sides. Then I pulled him in for a needy kiss.

"Scott stop." He pushed on my shoulders roughly and I fell back with a groan. "I don't have time for a round two. I have to go to my parents'." He got up from the bed to go into the bathroom. I pulled the sheets up to cover my bare lower half as I heard the shower start. I didn't know what I was suppose to do today. I didn't want to go into the office and I had already finished all my work for the week. Tomorrow was Monday though so I was getting a new workload.

"What are you going to do today?"

"Run some errands." That errand being apologizing to Mitch. He didn't deserve the confusion that I was forcing on him. This confusion should be for me and only me. "Tell your parents I said hi."

"Of course." He finished getting dressed, gave me a kiss, and went out the door. I hoped into the shower quickly then got dressed. I had to get to Mitch's. I had to explain how sorry I was. Well, I wasn't sorry. I was disgusted with myself. Cheating is never a way to go.

"Scott? What are you doing here?" Mitch was peeking around the corner. His hair was wet. He must have just gotten out of the shower.

"I was wondering if we could talk."

"Now's not a good time."

"Please Mitch. I came to apologize." He sighed. When he opened the door, I felt the heat come to my cheeks as the only thing he had was a loose towel around his waist.

"Stay here." He pushed me against the wall next to his bedroom door as he went inside to get dressed. I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for confusing you. I should have never done that to you." Out of habit for wanting to look at people when I talk to them caused me to look around the corner into Mitch's bedroom right as the towel dropped. "I-" I stopped before my sentence could develop. His back was turned to me and I wasn't distracted like at the beach. I let my eyes scan over his body. His shoulder blades were stretched against his delicate skin and his hip bones were poking out. When he bent down to slip on his pants, (still no underwear. Just like he use to.) the vertebrates of his spine were starting to be outlined. I couldn't find myself getting turned on because he was naked. I was concerned.

"Scott!" I was caught staring in the doorway. Mitch brought a shirt up to cover his chest.

"How much weight did you lose Mitch?" I stood in front of him, pulling the shirt away. How did I ignore this yesterday? He use to stand up and his ribs wouldn't show. But now, his ribs were showing no matter what. Then his collarbones jutted out, making the skin around the bone sink in.

"I'm a college student. I didn't have money." His arms hugged his body.

"I'm worried. This makes you look like you're anorexic."

"I swear I wasn't. I would never do that." I searched his face, looking for any sign of sincerity. And I found it. My hand went out to brush against his jawline lightly.

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