Day Two

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For kittengirl832

A/N: I wonder if you guys know that Kevin and Avi's kid is Caitlin (justtanotherrgirl) and all the nicknames in this story is what I call her in real life.

"Wake up lazy bones." I hid farther down into the pillow. "Come on. You get to see Catybug." My little girl Caitlin. I smiled to myself and sat up in my bed. Alex was already dressed in a nice outfit. He had a white and blue checkered button up and tan shorts.

"You look handsome." He sat down next to me, his hand rubbing my bare chest.

"Really?" I went to kiss him but his hand stopped me. "Don't. I look nice right now." I hit his butt as he got up and walked towards the bathroom.

"You look nice all the time." I heard his hum of approval. I noticed my clothes at the end of the bed already set out for me. They were nicer clothes. These were my friends. Why was he trying to make me look good around them? I have to stop sleeping till noon.

"Almost done?" I was slipping my shirt over my head.

"Yeah." I went in the bedroom and quickly styled my hair. Then it was out on the road. It seemed like yesterday all over again. Coffee in my hand, walking down the busy streets. But this time I couldn't listen to music and my other hand wasn't free. It was clasped with Alex's. This act of affection still made me uncomfortable.

"You okay?" Alex asked as we made our way up Kevin and Avi's steps.

"Me? Yeah, I'm fine."

"It's the hand holding thing again isn't it?" I didn't say anything. His lips pursed in thought. It seemed he gave up though and rang the doorbell. Kevin came to the door with a big smile. When his eyes came to rest on me, the smile faded.

"I didn't know you were bringing Scott." Alex let go of my hand. Kevin quickly grabbed the coffee out of my hand.

"Is that a problem?"

"It's not a problem at all." Another voice answered for Kevin. Everything seemed to stop as I watched those lips pull up in a small smile. My heart was pounding in my ears. Then a hand was stretched forward for Alex's.

"I'm Mitch." Alex gladly accepted Mitch's offer.

"I'm Alex and this is-"

"Scott." Mitch answered for him. I couldn't answer as his brown eyes went from Alex to me. "It's been a long time. It's nice to see you again." My mouth was open but nothing seemed to want to come out. I was left there looking like an idiot. Especially when I jumped away from his touch. I couldn't touch him. I knew if I did I wouldn't want to stop.

"You two know each other?" I snapped out of my daze to look at my fiancé.

"Yeah. Old friends." God he was gorgeous compared to Alex. No! This was Mitch. I have to get over him. Alex is now. I muttered a thank you to Kevin as he gave me back my coffee. Then I put my hand on the small of Alex's back, leading him inside.

"Scotty!" Caitlin ran, more like stomped while walking towards me, and I lifted her up into my arms.

"Hi sweetie."

"I made a castle with my blocks. Uncle Mitch helped." I stopped right in front of the castle with a laugh. It actually looked good. I set the coffee on the table so both hands were dedicated to Caitlin.

"She made it. I handed the blocks to her. That's it." Mitch stood next to me but he was standing far enough away that I wasn't uncomfortable. I looked around the room for Kevin and Alex. They weren't there.

"How was London?" I tried to make small talk.

"Amazing." Mitch was staring down at the ground and I took this time to look over him. He was skinnier than the last time I saw him. His cheek bones were barely stretching against his skin. He still had his sun kissed skin, dark brown eyes with dark eyelashes, but his short beard seemed to be a permanent thing. He use to only have scruff that grew because he barely went home. He had a different style to his hair too. Short, dark, swept to the side. God he's beautiful. "I see you're engaged."

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