Chapter 9

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(Karma's POV)

"Why are we at a hotel?"

"It's as clear as day that you have problems. I have them too. So tonight we're going to escape from the world. Let's ditch our places for tonight, yeah?" I said, walking up to the counter of the lobby. This hotel is owned by dad, but he never comes here, doesn't even pay much attention to it because of its small structure. It's perfect for escape.

The woman at the counter was about to speak but I cut her off. "Karma Akabane. The safe haven."

The bluenet beside me looked shocked for a second, but decided not to question it.

The woman nodded and gave me the key, a smile on her face. "It's good to see you, Akabane. I believe you're the only kind hearted soul in your family. Taking your time to come here and all.... No offense."

"Non taken. Thank you. I'll be sure to pay later."

"Of course, sir. Enjoy your night." She looked down at Bluebell and winked, making the small boy squeak in embarrassment. Cute~

We walked away from the lobby and I led us to the the room I always stay at whenever I'm in need of alone time. We reached the room and I jabbed the key in and unlocked it.

"Um...Skyscraper." He tugged at my shirt. I hummed in response, opening the room and lightly pushing him inside.

"Was that your name? Karma...Akabane?"

"Yup." I closed the door and locked it, walking towards the bed and flopping down on it. "Welcome to the Safe Haven, Blue."

He sat down beside me. "You uh...don't have to call me that. My name is...Nagisa. Nagisa Shiota."

"Nah," I said. "Don't get me wrong, your name sounds cute and all...but that nickname kinda stuck to me, Bluebell~" From the corner of my eye I saw how his face turned pink, I didn't even say anything to make him flustered...this boy I fucking adorable.

Nagisa found the courage to lay down beside me, his arms behind his head as we stared up at the ceiling. This feels nice. I don't know the guy very well...but I feel somewhat comfortable with him, and I can tell he feels the same. It's like we were meant to meet? I'm not sure, but I don't regret meeting him, and since we go to the same school...

I can hang around him, protect him from those damn punks. But that's in school only. He has an abusive relative, that much is obvious. If I was some other person, I would've just brushed it off, but I'm not. I'm me and I'm predictable. I will help him out, I just need to figure him out more, get to know him. The bluenet sighed, placing a hand over his eyes. Propping myself up, I shoved his shoulder gently.

"What's up?"

He looked at me from between his fingers, then covering his eyes once more. "Why do I feel like I've known you my entire life....but this is the second time we meet? It's so weird, and it makes no sense at all. It's so confusing."

I lightly pulled at his bangs, my fingers twirling strands of blue hair. "Yeah, it is. But there's nothing we could do about it, if it feels right...then it is right."

Nagisa sat up, leaning on his elbows. "What's that supposed to mean, Skyscraper?"

It seems that nickname stuck to him....

"I'm saying that..." I leaned down until my face was in front of his. "If it feels right..." My hand cradled his cheek. "Then it is right." His eyes never left mine, not even when our lips brushed against each other...but they didn't meet. Not yet.

His breath mingled with mine as he spoke. "Isn't this considered sexual harassment?" He mumbled. "I'm so gonna kick your balls if you try anything." He didn't move from his position, the skin of his cheeks a rosy pink as he threatened me.

"Somehow I believe you...but I haven't tried anything, have I?" Our noses bumped. "You can't do anything to me."

My heart banged against my chest as his breath tickled my skin. I don't know what I'm doing, but it feels so right. Nagisa's hand found its way to my shoulder, him using his other hand to push himself up, I backed away, not allowing our lips to meet. The look in his eyes paralyzed me, making me unable to think clearly. Is he doing this on purpose?

"No, I suppose I can't. But's so tempting." His eyes began to close, me mirroring his actions. " tempting."

Nothing happened once our eyes closed, none of us really knowing what to do it seemed. So I took the initiative, grabbing the back of his neck and pushing myself forward...crashing his lips onto my own. It wasn't a quick kiss, but it wasn't a long one either. It wasn't was chaste. It wasn't right...but it wasn't wrong. It was sweet. I like this. But we're strangers, and therefore shouldn't do this kind of thing.

But it felt so right...

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