Chapter 12

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(Nagisa's POV)

It was the next day, currently 6:58pm. Karma called me a while back, reminding me once again that he was gonna be here at seven.

Though before he hung up, I asked him if he wanted to watch some movies since (thankfully) I have a working tv and some movies that dad left behind when he moved out.

I made sure that everything was clean. I hardly slept last night because I was cleaning up. I just hope I didn't miss anything...

The doorbell rang, making me flinch. Sudden noises still scare me, huh... Looking at the time on my phone, I saw that it was seven on the dot.

I went to answer the door, smiling when I saw Karma standing there with a smirk...and a duffel bag?

"What's in the bag?" Was the first thing I said, not greeting him whatsoever.

His smirk dropped to a frown. "Not even a hello? That's just rude." He flicked my forehead, which earned him a glare from my part as I rubbed the offended part of my face. "As to what's in the bag, I brought some snacks. Hope you don't mind."

"Of course not..." I stepped aside, letting him in. "Come in. Mi casa es tu casa."

As he walked in, I immediately noticed that the tight skinny ripped jeans he was wearing really shaped his ass perfectly.

His ass suddenly became the most interesting thing in the world.

Unfortunately, and much to my embarrassment, he caught me staring.

I wanted to die.

He gave me that flirtatious smirk that, I admit, I love so much.

"Hey Blue~" he cooed. "Like what you see?" He winked.

I felt myself blushing. How mortifying!

"Woah, don't get too flustered....we gotta save that for later~" He let out a chuckle in between his words.

I cleared my throat, willing my cheeks to cool down. "Do we now, Skyscraper." I said, thankful that I didn't stutter. "Let's just watch a damn movie..."

After closing the door and locking it, I found myself at my couch looking at what movies we could watch. I don't remember watching any of I don't know which are good ones.

A box of microwaveable popcorn dropped onto my lap, as well as a few chocolate bars, and candy such as skittles, gummy bears, and starbursts. I raised a brow.

"Anything else?"

A bag of Doritos.

"Just how did all this fit in that bag of yours?"

Karma chuckled and flopped down beside me, then proceeded in pecking my cheek.

I quickly turned my face away, as to hide the obvious blush.

The jerk just laughed and ruffled my hair (it wasn't tied up) and said that I should do the popcorn while he searched for a movie to watch.

Though, I did as told and plopped a popcorn bag in the microwave, and when it was done, I went back to the couch, Karma had already put on a movie.

And there we stayed, eating popcorn...and mixing in all of the other junk that Karma brought.

I noticed two things about him during the movie.

One, he likes to make snarky comments during scenes that look too fake. Two, he analyzes every detail and points out the flaws of the movie rather than enjoying it.

Not me though, I enjoyed it...the movie was awesome. Nothing can beat transformers, in my opinion.

But there was another reason why I enjoyed it...and it was because at some point during the action scene...we drifted closer, eventually close enough that we ended up cuddling.

It felt nice. Who would've thought that the warmth of another person could make me feel so......loved? Is that even the right word? damn, I can't explain it. I felt all kinds of positive emotions.

When the movie was over, I separated myself from him, shivering at the loss of warmth. A yawn escaped as I stretched, I sighed and slumped my shoulders.

Karma groaned as he sat up, yawning afterwards.

"I'm gonna take a shower." I said, stretching once more, this time I made a squealing sound as I did so. Karma nodded, blinking his eyes, he was most likely tired.

An idea popped into my head that caused me to smirk. "Wanna join me~?" I asked, jokingly. Holding back the urge to burst out laughing.

His response caused me to choke on my own spit.

"Sure, why not." He said, standing up. "Good thing I brought a change of clothes."

"Wait, you're serious?! I was kidding!"

He looked at me with a raised brow. "I know. But I'm not letting this opportunity slip by. Where's the bathroom?"

My heart was raising. My joke just backfired. What the hell?!

"'s, it's uh..." I stuttered. "Just...just follow me..."

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