Chapter 18

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Karma POV

I hate being home ever since Karina died. I haven't been able to stand that house. I look for excuses not to go back there. I walk slowly to Karina's bedroom opening the door I see everything the was it was the day that she died.


"Karina hurry up, I gotta use the bathroom". I said

"Yo bro, shut up, I'm going as fast as I can". Karina said pissed off.

What'd you say to me?! I said back

"Karma you know I love you, you're my brother and I couldn't ask for anyone better". Karina said exiting the bathroom looking adorable as always.

"Always stunning little sister" I told her.

"Thanks bro not too shabby" She said with a bright smile.

"Kids shouldn't you be heading out by now I dont want you to get there too late". Mom said while in the kitchen.

"We're going now mom" I said going to my room and taking my wallet with me.

"Bye mom, bye dad" we both said heading out.

"Be safe "Mom said waving at us smiling next to my dad.

Little did I know that they're smiles would quickly go away.

Flashback Ends

I shiver tears in my eyes remembering all the terrible things I saw. I was quickly brought out of my thoughts as I felt a really bad pain in my face.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing in this room after what you caused"?!?! My shitty father yelled his voice filling the room.

I felt him get on top of me and he put his hands on my neck causing my air supply to shorten.

"What the fuck, get off me drunken fucker"?!?. I said with a strained voice. My vision getting blurry but I dared never to close my eyes.

I would keep fighting if not for myself but for nagisa. That beautiful face of his. The second I laid eyes on him I knew he was the one for me.

As I could feel myself slipping away I heard my mothers voice fill the room making my dad let go of his grip.

"GET OFF MY SON YOU'RE GONNA KILL HIM" she screamed anger overfilling her.

My dad chuckled to my mother. "You're son, you bitch, he's nothing, don't you remember he killed your daughter". He said vemon spewing out of his mouth.

"Get the fuck out of my house and never come back". My mother said raising her voice.

I got up and and kicked him in the balls causing him to kneel in pain.
"You're a bastard" I said and at the moment something snapped in me. The moster I was afraid to release over powered me.

I punched him and kept going. All the abuse and anger I've endured over the years takes a toll on you doesn't it?

I stopped when I felt a hand over my shoulder. It was my mother in tears, she faced me and look more broken than she has ever been before. I looked at my father who was knocked out cold.

"Karma, my Karma, I'm so sorry for everything I've done and for all the pain I've caused". She said in between sobs.

"You are my son and I should've believed you since it happened".

"Can you ever forgive me for all the horrible things I caused"?

I was shocked tears filling my eyes.

"It'll take time, but you are my mom and even though everything that happened and all the abused I've faced I still love you and I always will".

My mom hugged me for the fist time since karina died. In that moment I felt happy, truly happy and I know now that I can forgive her.

A/N I really want to do a Q/A so if u have any questions send me them. I Love you guys so much. I cant believe we have 5.16K readers this is a dream and you guys made it come true. 💖💖
Love you all.

Your Author-Millie

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