Author's Note

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Hey guys it's been way too long. I would like to clear up somethings that have been on my chest.

1. I haven't posted in a while and that's my fault mainly because for a long time I lost inspiration and it's taken me a while to find it again.

2. I graduated in May and I started college in August so that's all taken up the majority of my time.

3. Covid 19 has taken a toll on everybody and it's been hard for all of us so I hope that the book helped you guys forget about it for just a little while.

I'm thinking about getting back on writing soon. But I want your true opinion. Do you guys want to keep reading lots or should I stop. I would love to keep writing it, but I need you guys to please be patient. It's hard I mean I know anyone can write but inspiration is another thing. I love each and everyone of you dearly. I hope you guys are staying safe during this difficult time, and you take the precautions necessary.

With all that said love you guys hope to get back to writing soon, and stay stay ok.
Oh Wait hold up You're telling me there's 53k views on lots  I am really glad of each and everyone of you that stuck around, sent me messages saying how much they like the book. Thank you guys, really from the bottom of my heart.

Your author Millie Peace♡

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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