The beggining

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This is the moment wear she awakens and she tells them what happened.  Hope you like it! :D


        Jenny snapped her eyes open and just blankly stared at the ceiling.  Her dark brown eyes were fogging up with a pearly white color.  Everyone just panicked and stared not knowing what to do.

        "Her heart beat it picking up," Scott says starting to panick.  Then an ear piercing scream fills the small room in the Stilinski's residence.


        I snap my eyes open, waiting for the change.  She warned me of this.  She told me it was going to be the most painful yet beautiful experience of my life.

        My mom told me I was going to change.

        Into what she is.

        An angel.

        All of a sudden a burning sensation spreaded across my back like wildfire.  I sat up and screamed, seeing only in black and white.  Everyone I love and care for are staring at me, startled for my outburst.  I can't see no colors!  What is happening!  I scream louder, I am so confused and in even more pain than before.

        It is unbearable now, the pain is growing by the second.  It feels like someone is stabbing me with glass in the back.  I don't feel blood dripping though which is weird.  I fall back on to the bed and crash around, hoping it will go away.  "MAKE IT STOP!  MAKE IT STOP!" I yell, begging for my mom to take me back.  I don't want to go through this anymore.  I felt something on my back so I sat back up again.  Then....

        The pain stopped.

        I felt free, I was what I truly was meant to be.  An angel.  My mind took over my wings and I fluttered them naturally.  I turned around in awe as I stared at my clear and white wings, I can only see in black and white now as my eyes have turned in to a chilling white color. 

        I stopped and tried to find my rose.  My mom gave it to me, as a very special present.  My whole life evolves around it now.  It holds my soul, with out it I go back to heaven and loose my wings.  I can still die normally but it is a quicker way for me to die I guess.  I see the rose right next to me on the bedsheets.  It's pure red color which made me smile, the only color I can see.  It was clear of thorns and it had no leafs. 

        Stiles clears his throat, "What the hell was that!"  He didn't actually expect for his sister to react, he thought it was a mirage. 

        "Umm, hi?" I said, more like questioned.  How am I supposed to tell them that I am a fallen angel?  Or that I saw our mom?  Stiles wouldn't love me anymore, I was a freak to them probably.  But it is a part of me now, I can't change it.

        "Can you, ummm, put those away?" He points to my beautiful wings.  I nod and take big breaths, my mind telling my body to turn back to normal.  I feel my wings retreating back in to my back, a few more breaths later I open my eyes.  Everything is back to color.  Everything seems the same, it is quite dim in here thankfully so I only have to blink a couple times to regain my eyesight.

        I see Stiles with tears in his eyes.  We are just staring at each other until Lydia breaks the silence, "I missed you so much.  You left me broken." She pulled me into a bear hug, not caring that my back was sore, I shortly returned the hug.

        "I missed you too," I whispered and squeezed her one last time before I pulled away.  Taking turns to hug each other.  Allison, Scott, and suprisingly Jackson. (After season 1 so he hasn't turned in to a kanima.)  The only one left was Stiles, I looked at him and started bawling my eyes out.  I missed him so much.  I missed his sarcasm, his idiotic moments, his brotherly love, and I just miss being with him.  Since mom died we relied on each other.  I ran in to his arms and squeezed him to death, and no I don't have super strength like Scott.

        "What happened to you!  How the hell are you here!  Last time I checked you were dead in my arms staring at the sky." He sobs pulling away from you.

        I sigh, "It is a long story, but let's just say I saw mom."

        Scott and Stiles looked at me then at each other.

        "She told me that I was dead and she was glad to see me.  Stiles, she looked so beautiful and happy, it was perfect.  I wanted to die and be with her so much." I said while tears were streaming down my face.  I remembered the way her auburn hair flowed down to her shoulders, her dark brown eyes looking alive and well.  "But then she looked sad, she told me I had two choices.  Since my heart is apparently 'special', they said I could either become a ghost angel and watch you guys, or I could come alive and become a gaurdian.  I wanted to see you guys so I took the second option.  I missed you guys."

        I cried and hugged Allison,  Allison reminds me of my mom a little bit.  When I told her that, she told me Scott and her could become my 'parents'. Don't get me wrong I love my dad, but it was sweet of them to say that.  She hugged me back and cooed that it was alright.

        "She only told me four things, One, I was going to find someone to care and love for, in anyway, and I would know who it was right away.  Second, when I come back I was going to go through something so painful that I will surely have nightmares.  It was like a flame torch burning my back, then glass stabbing me.  Tortue.  Third, this rose is my life.  I can die like a human, but if this flowers dies then I die with it.  Last but not least, my powers."

        "Which are?" Jackson asks calmly.  It's kind of funny how I come back from the dead and we are chatting as if I was gone for a day.  Well, it was three days.

        "I can sense emotions strongly.  I can fly, and I can paralyze someone with a look.  Nothing much really." I tell them, stopping the tears.  "Does dad think..."

        Stiles shakes his head, "But I have a question."

        "Ask a way captain dipshit."  That was my nickname for him, he called me princess asswipe. 

        "Well princess asswipe, are you supposed to guard any of us?"

        I laugh, "No, it could take my whole life to find that person."

        "Oh and can you age?  Can you speak to the dead? Did you talk to god?  If you did I could post that online and pay people to see you.  Ooo, how about ten bucks per person...." He trails off.

        "That was more then one question, idiot."

        "Shut up," He gives me a 'please stfu look'.

        I looked at Allison and nodded, "I don't shut up, I grow up.  And when I look at you I throw up!  Gaaah!" We both pretend gag ourself and then laugh in hysterics.  We both watched old movie, including Stand By Me.  Ever since then we do that a lot.

        "Yeah yeah, it's good to see you to sis." Stiles huffs as everyone laughs.

        We spend the whole night just talking about what it was like in heaven and all that stuff, and what I missed which isn't much.  I also learned that the wings tattoed on to my back, so it will hurt for a while.  Other then that  was good to be back.

I'm sorry this was kind of rushed, but I hope you like it.  I tried to describe it as much as possible.  Anyways tonight's episode is on and I won't update tonight because I need to rewatch them on the tv in like two night.  I just couldn't hold in my excitement to post this!  So I did.



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