I'm Jenny

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        We were all sitting in the jeep, listening to the faint voice of Katy Perry.  Stile's overpowering sound of him tapping the wheel distracted me of what's important.  The rhythm was off beat, I bet Stiles didn't even pass music class in junior high.  It wouldn't shock me.  I was the smartest between the both of us, anyone could tell.  Stiles was smart, but he didn't really full fill the whole 'no talking in class'.  Plus he thought he was to busy for homework.  As he said to me a thousand times, "Jenny,  that is ridiculous!  Me, doing homework, while there is a crazy homicidal alpha werewolf!" Or he would say the kanima, then the alpha pack, then him not sleeping well.  I'm honestly worried about Stiles, if he doesn't behave better in school then who knows what will happen after high school.  I shouldn't be worried about this, he can take care of himself.  Well actually may be not...

        Back to the present time Stiles, of course, was driving, Scott was in the passenger seat, and Liam and I are in the back seat.  His foot was lying on my lap, as I held the ice bag on his leg.  Every once in a while he would squirm uncomfortably and wince from the pain.  Which I would immediately say sorry for no reason.  When he had his eyes closed I would try to take some of his pain away for two reasons.  One, is because I feel some of the pain and from what I can tell, he is in a lot of pain.  Second, I don't want him to be hurt.  An awkward silence filled the air, making me clear my throat once in a while.  I hated awkward silence, it makes me want to say something, but then I choose not to.  Stiles would look back every time I said sorry, he would look at me and lift his eyebrows up and down.  Very, very noticeably might I add.

        When we reached the hospital, I can't even describe how fast I got out of the jeep.  Afraid of it falling apart and having to deal with the awkwardness again.  Scott and Stiles carried Liam as I just trailed behind but still kept an eye on their backs.  I am not trusting those two with him ever again!  We reached the front desk, I was talking to the receptionist when I heard Scott's voice, "Mom!"

        Ms. Mccall looks at us and sighs tiredly, "What did you do?"  She looked unbelievably tired.  She had bags under her eyes, and you can hear it in her voice.  I'm afraid coffee won't help with this, she kind of reminds me of what Stiles was like when he was being haunted along with Scott and Allison.  She needed to sleep, and I can tell Scott was seeing this to.  I know how much he loved his mom, but sometimes I think he forgets about her feelings.  Just like how Stiles and I are with our dad.  Sometimes I would try to clear my schedule, but it's hard considering all the supernatural stuff and my dad's work schedule.

        Scott rubs the back of his neck, looking anywhere other than his mother's intense gaze.  "It was a little accident, but that's not important, Liam here needs to get his foot checked out." Stiles butts in, smiling nervously.  I look at Liam to see him looking at Scott then Ms. Mccall, probably trying to see the resemblance, which was obvious.

        She sighs yet again, but still manages to offer Liam a small smile, "Let's get you checked on, I'll go get you a wheel chair." She rushes off and finds the closest wheel chair.  Scott and Stiles drop Liam on it.  As Ms. Mccall was driving Liam away, I had the urge to follow them.  But that would be a huge privacy invasion.  What if something happens though?  Listening to my gut instinct, I tell Scott and Stiles goodbye.  Stiles looked at me confused, but Scott understood and didn't spare me a glance.  Or he didn't hear me.

        I rush towards Liam's room, after waiting for the elevator since some rude person didn't stop the doors for me.  I follow my gut feeling and stand in front of a door, where I can hear Liam's small voice.  Being the rebel and protector I am, I lean in to listen.  It may be a little rude.  Oh, who am I kidding?  This is so wrong!  But don't I have the right to?  But he doesn't know that I am his guardian. 

        What ever!  I need to stop talking to myself.

        "What happened?" An unknown voice asked, I think it's the doctor.  No dip it's the doctor!  Can I trade my brain for a different one?  I look by my side to see Scott listening as well, at least I'm not the only one.

        "I was going against two juniors, and one happens to be a brother of a cute girl." Liam says angrily.  The tone of his voice made me furrow my eyebrows.  I want to make him happy.  I've only seen him smile once, and that made me go crazy!  The way his blue eyes shone brighter then normal, seeing his pearly white teeth made me melt.

        "Well you know what I always say-"

        "Play smart, not dumb." They say together. (I'm writing this freestyle, I don't actually remember what they said.)

        They both chuckle, "I'll go take a look." The doctor says, walking out of the room.  Before he could open it I moved swiftly and so did Scott so we wouldn't get caught.  He sees me and smiles, "Hello, I'm Doctor (Something)." He lifts his hand up, offering me to shake it.

'        "Nice to meet you, I'm Jenny." I said shaking his hand.  "I was here to see Liam." I dropped his hand and smiled.

        "Ah," He says, a certain look in his brown eyes.  "Well your aloud to see him.  Have a goodnight Jenny." He says walking away.  I tell him goodbye and enter Liam's room.  Hearing the door open, Liam's head shoots up.  When he sees a familiar girl from the car ride here standing there, he is totally suprised.  They didn't know each other, she probably just pities me, Liam thought.

        "Hi!" The girl says cheerily, "I'm Jenny Stilinski." I say pulling my hand out for him to shake, he quickly shakes my hand. But lets go quickly, after feeling the electricity flowing through his veins.  Her hand fit in his hand, like it was made just for him.  He couldn't help but stare at her face a little bit.  Auburn hair, small freckles on her face, button nose that was perfect for her face, and hazel eyes.  Not the hottest, but definitely cute. 

        "I'm Liam.  But you probably already knew that." Liam says cockily, but his face was clear of emotion.  But I could still feel his waves of emotion.  Confusion, sadness, and lust.  Was I to revealing today?  I'm only wearing a tank top, that revealed my tattoo of my wings, and jeans. 

        "Well, I decided to stay since my sarcastic and idiotic brother, did this and he left." I sighed sitting on one of the most uncomfortable chairs of all time.  It was a terrible color of yellow, bringing some color in to the hospital room.  It was a plastic chair instead of one with cushions.  Plus it wasn't made for a persons back at all.  After I brought of the topic, his face immediately tugged in to a frown.

        "Well, you can go now." He says, not looking at me in the eyes.  "I don't need you to pity me."

        "I don't pity you, if anything I admire you." I said making his head shoot up.  With out letting him talk, I quickly explained more.  "If that was me I would be bawling my eyes out, ending up looking like raccoon.  Plus, you played really well.  How long have you been playing?" I asked.  Happy with the change of conversation, Liam was about to respond when a loud roar broke out throughout the hospital.

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